Thursday, February 24, 2005

Help make things happen!

“What Swanage needs is ...”

less litter … better traffic management … the Council should listen to locals more… more affordable housing … a multi-purpose leisure centre … improved parking … more things for young people … sort out the Mowlem … more visible policing … fewer run-down shops..

so now help make it happen

Consulting the public

As part of the process of preparing a Community Plan for Swanage and the surrounding district, many volunteers have worked hard to find out the issues that concern people most. But now it’s time to make things happen. It’s time to decide which things are most important, and how to turn ideas into reality. There is help available. And some money, too.

The Swanage Town & Community Partnership is holding informal working meetings to agree the next steps forward. There will be two evening meetings at the Purbeck House Hotel and one Saturday afternoon meeting at the Mowlem committee room. You don’t have to be an expert. Anyone can contribute, as long as you are prepared to speak up and discuss possibilities.

Everyone’s contribution is needed to help create community projects that will benefit all of us. You can just turn up on the day, but it would be a great help if you can say in advance if you plan to join us: please call Roger Seaman on 554667.

Planning the next action

Members of the public are invited to take part at one or more of these public meetings:

Wednesday 9th March at Purbeck House Hotel
6.15 — 8.30 pm (Glass of wine & nibbles)

Tuesday 15th March at Purbeck House Hotel
6.15 — 8.30 pm (Glass of wine & nibbles)

Saturday 19th March Mowlem committee room
2.15 — 4.30 pm (Tea/coffee, cakes/biscuits)

The topics for review, based on subjects raised during the consultation phase

* Local environment (eg litter, dog mess, jet skis, the beach, the bay...)
* Community facilities (eg leisure centre, the Mowlem, the beach, toilets...)
* Transport & Traffic (eg public transport, one-way system, parking, the seafront)
* Young people (eg facilities, play, involvement...)
* Housing, Jobs (eg affordable houses, business opportunities ... )
* Crime & Safety, Health, Older people (eg police presence, facilities, services...)
* Tourism, Other (eg strategy, facilities, communication...)
* or Anything else

What happens afterwards?

The community project descriptions created at the series of public meetings held in March 2005 will form the basis of the Swanage Community Plan.

The Swanage Town and Community Partnership, supported by appropriate officers from public service bodies, will initially establish project groups to flesh out and commence action plans that are identified as ‘high priority’.

The Partnership also hopes that some members of the public will volunteer to lead or at least become involved in new or existing vital community projects.
Further identification and quantification of local needs and feasibility studies, on discrete projects, may be necessary. Additional inquiries are planned with the rural hinterland, disabled groups and the business community. All of this work will speed procedures for applying for project funding through the Market and Coastal Towns Initiative (led by the South West Regional Development Agency).

The outcome of these meetings will be published, and when the full Community Plan has been adopted, a summary of it will be delivered to every household.

What will be the result?

By getting involved, some of the things you want WILL happen!

For more information, contact Roger Seaman, of the Swanage Town Partnership, Telephone: 554667 or Email at

Monday, February 21, 2005

Bmth Uni - Research survey (Appendix 2)

Appendix 2
Two Projects by MBA students from Bournemouth University carried out
on March 12 th -14 th and March 19 th -21 st 2004
T w o separ a t e g r o u ps of st u d e n t s , o n e o f 15 p e o p l e , the seco n d o f 1 2 , each m et af t er wor k on a F r i d a y eve n i n g in M a r ch. T h e y planned a n d exe cu t e d t h e i r p r o j e ct s o v e r Fri da y e v e n i ng and Sat u r d a y culmi na t i n g in a pre se nt a t i o n o f the i r f i n di n g s to i n v it e d gue st s f r o m Swa na g e Co u n c i l , S w a n a g e T ow n and C o m m un i t y P a r t n e r sh i p and Pu r b eck Di st r i c t C o u n c i l at 11.3 0 a m o n Sun d a y m or ni ng .
T h e i r ai m w a s to p r a ct i ce r e s e a r c h me t h o d s . S w a n a g e’s gain was that they o f f e r e d to stud y ou r T o w n . As s u c h th is wa s a n inf o r m al res e a r ch project. T h e i r f in d i n g s we r e ‘p e r s o n al ’ a n d q u a l i t a t i v e. N e v er t heless, the y have r e s o n a nce a n d gr e a t value .


/ Establish a task group under the u m b r e l l a o f the Swa n a g e T o w n C o u n c i l a n d t h e Town a n d Com m u n i t y Part n e r s h i p to ‘t i d y up S w a n a g e ’ . This g r o u p sho ul d hav e two sect io n s, o ne t o lo o k at t h e p hy si ca l env i r onm ent an d one t o l o ok a t all Int e r n e t issue s .
2/ T o su p p o r t this gr o u p, ex p e n d m or e e f f or t a n d resou r ces on lit t e rm a na ge me n t , toile t f a c i lit ie s a n d sign posti n g.
3/ Also to sup p o r t the a b o v e task gr o up, a c c e ss E u r o p e a n f u n di n g , p os s i b l y v ia one of the com mu n i t y gro ups in S w a n a g e , to em p l o y a web site con s u l t a nt to cre a t e a g o o d q u a l i t y tou r i st site wit h c l e a r links to all o t h e r sit e s.
4/ E s t a b l ish a m ar ke t i n g pl a n an d b r a n d ima g e f or Swa n a g e.
5/ As a p ar t of this p l a n , r e v i e w fac i l ities f o r v i s i t o r s and pla n wa y s to stim u l a t e d e v el o p m e nt of n e w f a c i l i t i e s.
6/ Dev el o p and i m p l e m e n t a tra n s p o r t st r a t e g y for Swa n a g e .

T hr o u g h a m e m b e r of the Co m m u n i t y P l a n n i n g Task G r o u p , the MB A p r o g r a m m e le a d e r s asked if a re s e a r ch pro j e ct on S w a n a g e w ould help S w a n a g e in p r e p a r i ng our com m u ni t y plan.
T h e stude nts had to d o a pro j e c t w i th the a i m o f learn i n g a bo ut re s ea r ch t e c h n i q u es in a l i v e situ a t i o n . T h u s t h e i r sin g l e g oal w as to exp e r i e n ce doin g s o m e r e s e a r c h an d o f c o u r se to do it as we l l a s t i m e a nd re s o u r c e s p e r m it t e d .
G i v e n a li t t l e he l p f r o m the Swa n a g e Co m m u n i t y Plan Task Gro u p a n d t h e T o w n P a r t n e r s h i p they s u g g e s t e d t h e y c o u l d focus upo n S w a n a g e .
T h e r e wer e two separat e g r o u ps o f stu de n ts, o n e o f 1 5 p e o p l e , t he se c o n d of 1 2 . Ea c h g r o u p m e t a f t e r w o r k on a F r i d a y eve n i n g in Ma rch. T h e y p l a n n e d a n d e x e c u t e d t h e i r pr o j ects ov e r F r i da y ev e n i ng and S a t u r d a y c u l m i n a t i ng in a p r e s e n t a t i o n of the i r f i n d i n g s to i n v it e d gu e s t s f r o m Swa n a g e Co u n c i l and T ow n P a r t n e r s h i p a n d P u r b eck Dis t r ict Co u n c i l at 11.3 0 a m on Sun d a y m or ni ng .

P r i o r to t h e p r o j e c t An n Fa u l k n e r b r i e f e d the M BA pro g r am m e lea d e r on t h e e c o n o m ic rege n er a t i o n sur v e y o n g oi n g in S w a n a g e . R o g er Se a m a n , Alan L e e s o n a n d C h a r les Mu s s e l w h i te bri e f e d the m o n som e issues re l a t i n g to t o u r i s m a n d tra n s p o r t. A list of c on t acts (a co u n c i l lo r , es t at e a g e nt s , h oteliers,
tourism o f f ic e r s) wa s p r o v i d e d . It wa s e x p l a i n ed that S w a n a g e could exp a n d y e a r ro u n d to u r i sm d u e to o u r place n ex t to the W o r ld Her it a g e S i t e , the ‘ Ju r assic C o a s t ’ , but t h i s aspi r at i o n mi g ht b e com p r om i s e d by the de c l ine in h o t e l a c c o m m o d a t i o n e t c. Rog er Sea m a n also pro v i de d cop i es o f th e DCA/ P a u l Be e c h a m Associates 2 0 0 2 stu d y o n T r a ns p o r t i s s u es. It wa s s u g g ested
t h i s rep or t could be cri t i q u e d and a r ev i e w carr ied out of b o t h pro gress wi th a n d o b s t a c l es to the re c o m m e n d a t i o n s.
It shou l d be n o t e d th at t h e s e re s e a r c h p r o j e c t s w e r e nei t h e r com m i s s i o n e d n o r cha r g ed f o r . T h e stu d e n ts’ ai m w a s to p r a c t i ce a r e s e a r ch m e t h o d o l o g y .T h e i r o ut pu t is qu a l i t a t i v e and per s o n a l . It is n ot end or s e d in a n y p r o f e s s i o n a l
s e n se b y Bour n e m o u t h Un i v e r s i t y . Ho w e v e r , a s y o u re a d the i r f i n d i n g s you m ay det ect a s t r on g re f l e ction o f re a l i t i e s e x p e r i e n ced b y t h o se who l i v e in a n d vi sit Swa n a g e.

Research Objectives and summary of methods
G i v e n the t i m e a l l o w ed for thi s e x e r c i se and it s mai n i n t e nt,
t he stud e n ts we r e free to estab l i s h t he i r ow n rem it wit h i n the gu i d e l ine t h a t it b e ab o u t S w a n a g e. T h e f i r st gr o u p s et its o bj e c t i v e as,‘ To aid the Swanage Town and Community Partnership towards realising the potential of Swanage.’ T h e s e c o n d gr o u p s de c l a r e d ai m w a s, To identify ways of enhancing the Swanage experience’.
G r o u p 1 telep h o n e p o l l e d o v e r 6 0 pe o pl e out s i de of Swa n a g e a c r o s s t h e S o u t h a nd S o u t h east o f Engla n d . T h e y a l so int e r v i e w 70 p e o p l e on t h e s t r eets of Swa n a g e , sp l i t ro u g h l y h al f b e t w e e n t o u r i s ts a nd re s i d e n t s . T h e y also c a r r ied out 4 i n dep t h i n t e r v i e w s ( w ith three h o t e l i e r s and t w o Co u n c illo rs). The y a l so carrie d out w e b ba s e d re se a r ch . T h e s e c o n d gr o u p sim i l a r l y car r i e d out mu ch w e b b a s e d r e s e a r c h a n d a l s o
i n t e r v i e w e d 17 b u s i n e s s peo p l e b y telep h o n e a n d f a c e to f a c e an d 1 3 m e m b e r s of th e p u b l ic o n th e stre et. T h e y t h e n cond u c t e d a f o c u s gr o u p session am o n g st t h e m s e l v e s to d e v e lop their conclusio n s .M em b e r s of b o t h gr o u p s s p e nt m uc h o f the i r Saturd a y r o a m i n g the s t r ee t s of S w a n a g e.

Main findings
T h e two m a i n are as of f in di n g s d o c um e n t ed h er e wer e dev el o p e d in discussion b e t w e e n t h e stud e n ts and the gu e sts to th e p r e s e n t a t i o n s ( i n c l u d i n g Ala n L e e s o n , To w n Cle r k and Ni n a E l s t o n , P u r b eck T o u r i s m O f f i c e r ) . T hu s t h e y r e p r e s ent a re f i n em en t and a res t a t e ment o f t he f i n di n g s docu m e nte d i n the p r e se nt a t i on. T h e r e w a s a con si d e r a b l e acco r d be t w e e n t h e two gr o ups wh o ope r a t e d s e p ar at el y alt h o ug h G r o up 2 did ben e f i t f r o m a rev i e w of G r o u p 1’s w or k.

1/ The look and feel of Swanage
a ) P h y s i c a l appe ar a n c e , toi lets, signp osts
B ot h g r o u p s ide nt i f ie d e y es or e s an d li t t e r and not ed t hat t h es e m a t te rs coul d e a s i l y b e dea l t w i th. Th e r e wer e opp or t u n i t i es f o r eas y ‘w i n s ’ . T h e y f e l t pub l ic t o i l e t s n e e d e d im p r o v i n g to a t t r a c t vis i t o r s back and c r e a t e t h e i m p r e s s i o n o f an attra c t i v e p l a c e .T h e y s u g g e s t e d a lo t of w o r k be d o n e to i m p r o v e sig n postin g ge n e r a l l y .
b ) Access vi a the int e r n e t , carr y out we b /I T in t e g r a t ion
P r o s p ec t i v e v is i t o r s to S w a n a g e could be p u t o f f by the abs e n c e o f a go o d t o u r ist web site with c l e a r l i nks to oth e r r e l ev a nt s i t es esp e c i a l l y to b o o k a c c o m m o d a t i o n a n d a ct i v i t i e s. Th e s e a r e the norm f o r ot h e r t o u r i st d e s t i n ations s uc h a s We y m o u th and D a r t m o u t h .
c) F a c i l ities (es p e c i a l l y for the you ng and in w et w ea t h er ) M a in com m e n ts f o c u s s e d u p o n p r o m o t i n g wh at w e hav e and d e v e l o p i n g som e co m ple m e n t a r y f aci l it ies.
d ) Ide n t i t y , p r o m o t ion a n d b r a n d i n g T h e y f el t the r e w as no a pp a r ent coh er en t st r a t e g y f or the town. A go od lo g o e x i s ted but the r e w a s mu c h s c o p e f o r ma r k e t i n g S w a n a g e a nd wh a t it has t o of f e r .
2/ Transport issues
T h e r e w a s a ne e d to d e v e l o p and i m p l e m e n t a s t r a t e g y for i m p r o v i n g a l l t r a n s p or t li n ks t o and ar o u n d S w a n a g e .

Resultant Recommendations for the Swanage Town Council and the
Town and Community Partnership

1/ Esta b l ish a task gr o up un d e r t h e u m b r e l l a o f the Swa n a g e T o w n C o u n c i l a n d t h e Town a n d Com m u n i t y Part n e r s h i p to ‘t i d y up S w a n a g e ’ . This g r o u p sho ul d hav e two sect io n s, o ne t o lo o k at t h e p hy si ca l env i r onm ent an d one t o l o ok a t all Int e r n e t issue s .
2/ T o su p p o r t this gr o u p, ex p e n d m or e e f f or t a n d resou r ces o n lit t e r
m a na ge me n t , toile t f a c i lit ie s a n d sign posti n g.
3/ Also to sup p o r t the a b o v e task gr o up, a c c e ss E u r o p e a n f u n di n g , p os s i b l y
v ia one of the com mu n i t y gro ups in S w a n a g e , to em p l o y a web site con s u l t a nt
to cre a t e a g o o d q u a l i t y tou r i st site wit h c l e a r links to all o t h e r sit e s.
4/ E s t a b l ish a m ar ke t i n g pl a n an d b r a n d ima g e f or Swa n a g e.
5/ As a p ar t of this p l a n , r e v i e w fac i l ities f o r v i s i t o r s and pla n wa y s to stim u l a t e
d e v el o p m e nt of n e w f a c i l i t i es.
6/ Dev el o p and i m p l e m e n t a tra n s p o r t st r a t e g y for Swa n a g e.
Report prepared by Roger Seaman DCA Community Partnerships
Worker, 17 th May 2004

a ) Ide n t i t y , p r o m o t ion a n d b r a n d i n g
T h e y f el t the r e w as no a pp a r ent coh er en t st r a t e g y f or the town. A go od lo g o e x i s ted but the r e w a s mu c h s c o p e f o r ma r k e t i n g S w a n a g e a nd wh a t it has t o of f e r .
2/ Transport issues
T h e r e w a s a ne e d to d e v e l o p and i m p l e m e n t a s t r a t e g y for i m p r o v i n g a l l t r a n s p or t li n ks t o and ar o u n d S w a n a g e .

Resultant Recommendations for the Swanage Town Council and the
Town and Community Partnership
1/ Esta b l ish a task gr o up un d e r t h e u m b r e l l a o f the Swa n a g e T o w n C o u n c i l a n d t h e Town a n d Com m u n i t y Part n e r s h i p to ‘t i d y up S w a n a g e ’ . This g r o u p sho ul d hav e two sect io n s, o ne t o lo o k at t h e p hy si ca l env i r onm ent an d one t o l o ok a t all Int e r n e t issue s .
2/ T o su p p o r t this gr o u p, ex p e n d m or e e f f or t a n d resou r ces o n lit t e r m a na ge me n t , toile t f a c i lit ie s a n d sign posti n g.
3/ Also to sup p o r t the a b o v e task gr o up, a c c e ss E u r o p e a n f u n di n g , p os s i b l y v ia one of the com mu n i t y gro ups in S w a n a g e , to em p l o y a web site con s u l t a nt to cre a t e a g o o d q u a l i t y tou r i st site wit h c l e a r links to all o t h e r sit e s.
/ E s t a b l ish a m ar ke t i n g pl a n an d b r a n d ima g e f or Swa n a g e.
5/ As a p ar t of this p l a n , r e v i e w fac i l ities f o r v i s i t o r s and pla n wa y s to stim u l a t e d e v el o p m e nt of n e w f a c i l i t i es.
6/ Dev el o p and i m p l e m e n t a tra n s p o r t st r a t e g y for Swa n a g e.
Better l o cal b u s r o u t e s 8 c o m m e n t s
C r eate a com p r e h e n s i v e lo c a l traf f ic m a n a g e m e n t p l a n
7 com m e n t s
B e t t e r p a r k i n g is n e e d e d 6 com m e n t s
A par k a nd ri d e sc h e m e is ne e de d 4 co m m e nt s
A rel ie f r o a d t o the So u th of t h e t o w n is ne e d e d 2 com m e n t s
E x t e n d t h e rai lw a y to li nk to W a r e h a m 2 com m e nt s
B e t t e r p a r k i n g f or do c t o r ’ s surg e r y 1 com m e nt
Less r o a d s i g ns “
C o n d u c t o r s to b e put ba ck o n buse s “
I n t e g r a t e d p u b l ic t r a n s po r t “
T o tal c o m m e n ts = 33

Changes to Local Facilities
A d d i t i o nal a nd b e t t e r qu a l i t y t o i l et f a c i l i t i e s 10 com m e n ts

S p o r ts f a c i l i t i e s f or t he y o u n g 5 c o m m e n ts
B e t t e r qu a l i t y and m or e v a r i e t y of sho p s 4 c o m m e n ts
M o re d r o p p e d k e r b s 3 c o m m e n ts
A dece nt p u b l i c swi m m i n g pool 3 c o m m e n ts
A new sports a n d a r ts c e n t r e 2 c o m m e n ts
B e t t e r qu a l i t y and m o r e s h e l t e rs a l o n g the se a f r o n t 2 c o m m e n ts
B e t t e r f a c i l i t i es i n gen e r al for t h e dis a b l ed 1 com m e n t
A m ar ina “
R a d i c a l u p g r a d e t o t h e M o w l e m “
T o tal c o m m e n ts = 32

Tourism and housing
H o l id a y hom e o w ners s h o u l d pay f u l l cou n c i l ta x 9 com m e n t s
H ot el s sh o ul d n ot b e rep l ace d by f lats 7 co m m e nt s
T o tal c o m m e n ts = 16

S w a n a g e Ra i l w a y to re d u ce sm o k e e m i s s i o ns 4 com m e nt s
R e p l a ce the ‘ B a n j o Jet t y ’ w i th w o o d e n gr o y n e s 3 c o m m e n ts
K e e p dogs of f the b e a ch a l l ye a r r o u n d 1 com m e n t
R e d u c i n g f l o o d i n g “
M ore n ew h o m es to use P u r b eck sto n e in the i r constru c t i o n “
I n t r o d uce c on s e r v at i o n f o r m ol e s “
K e e p wo o d e n gr o y nes along t h e b e a ch “
C r eate a pol i c y on r e d u c i n g d o g m e s s “
E x t e n d recyc l i n g to a l l h o m e s in S w a n a g e “
T o tal c o m m e n ts = 14

Local Council
C o - or d i na t e d pla n n i n g o f the are a 3 com m e nts
B e t t e r co m m u n i c a t i o n s b e t w e e n re s i d e n ts an d the cou n c i l 2 com m e n ts
A d d r ess p l a n n i n g a p p l i ca t ion o n t h e Gra m m a r Schoo l sit e 2 com m e n ts
S w a n a g e to be see n a s in d e p en d e n t f r o m W ar eh a m 1 com m e nt
T o tal c o m m e n ts = 8
M ore and bet t e r quali ty poli ci ng 3 co m m e nt s
More s e c u r i t y c a m e r a s 1 c o m m e n t
T o tal c o m m e n ts = 4

Question 3: What hopes do you have for Swanage in 5-10 years time?
E a c h g r o u p wa s asked to ho ld a ge n e r a l d i s c u s s i o n on th is q u e s t i o n and to c r e a t e a s e n t e n ce o r tw o enc a p s u l a t i n g their p i c t u r e o f ho w they wo u l d l i k e the to w n to b e in 1 0 y e a r s tim e .
T hi s is what e a c h g r o u p said ;
Group 1
S w a n a g e shoul d ‘r e t a i n it s c h a r acter w h i le im p r o v i n g it s fa c i l it i e s ’
- R e t a i n Swa n a g e a s a s e a s i d e r e s o r t
- M a i ntain S w a n a g e bea ch by using w o o d en gr o y n e s o r P o r t l a n d S t o n e .
- K e e p Purb eck St o n e b ui ld i n g s
- Do not build too m a n y blocks of f l a t s
- T h a t t he hospi t a l a nd m e di c al faci li t i es be a d eq ua t e for t h e a g eing p op u l at i o n of S w an ag e .
Group 2
T hi s gro u p h o p e d f o r ‘a com m u n i t y bus ru n b y v ol u n t e e r s, li n k i n g th e T i the B a r n , Pie r , H o s p i t a l and Dur ls t o n Ca stle. It must h av e go o d p u b l i ci t y ’. T h e y h o p e d for ‘b e t t er in t e g r a t e d pub l i c t r a n s p o r t .’
T h e y no t e d ‘ Du r l s t o n Ca s t l e ha s p o s s i b i l i t i e s f o r an a r t cen t r e , r e f r e s h m e n ts etc’
Group 3
T hi s g ro u p ho p e d f o r ‘ev o l ut i o n a r y not re v ol u t i o n a r y c h a n g e’. T h e y ho p e d t o ;
‘D e v e l o p t h e pote n t i a l of n at u r a l r es o u r ces’
‘I m p r o v e the visual q u a l i t y of t h e t o w n ’
‘E n c o u r ag e the d e v e l o p m e n t o f l i g ht indus t r y (keeping pe o p l e i n the t o w n) ’
‘M a i n t a i n the re l a t i v e s a f e t y o f the t o w n ’
Group 4
T hi s gro u p h o p e d tha t ;
‘S w a n a g e is pre s e r v ed as it is wit h n o m a j o r de v e l o p m e n ts’ The Swanage Community Plan: Help shape the future of Swanage!
Bournemouth University / PACE / Ed B ickle. January 200 5 57
‘M o r e g o v e r n m ent f u n d i n g is gi v e n for r e st a n d n u r s i n g ho m e s’ ‘An im p r o v e m e n t t o the Mow l e m is s e e n , - n ew s e a t i ng , air c o n d i t i on i n g, gen e r a l am b i en c e ’
‘M o r e facil i t i e s f or you n g p e o p l e, f o r s p o r t et c a r e cre a t e d’
‘More focus is given on the Jurassic Coas t’
‘T r a i n g o es direct f r o m Swa n a g e to W a r eh a m and then o n t o L o n d o n ’

Group 5
T hi s gro u p h o p e d tha t ;
‘I n 5 - 1 0 yea r s time we hop e t h a t im p r o v e m e n t s wil l be m a d e to t h e
f a c i l i t i e s in Swa n a g e, s u ch as spor t s , and th e l o c a l envi r o n m ent f o r
r e s i d e n t s , in c l u d i n g ta c kl in g eye s o r e s a nd d o g me ss, wh i l st r e t a i n i n g its
n a t u r a l ch a r a c t e r , v i s u a l l y a n d com m u n i t y wi s e .’

Group 6
T h e six t h G r o u p hop e d t h a t ;
‘Y o u n g peop l e are e n c o u r a g e d to s t a y in the t o w n w i th af f o r d a b l e
h o u s i n g an d b e t t er wo r k possibil i t i es’
‘Th er e ar e m o r e co m munit y faci li t i e s ( su ch as spo r t s ce n t r e, chi l dr en ’s
p l a y are a and a d u l t r e l ax at i o n a n d pla y are a) ’
‘ T h e r e is less c o mm e r cia l e n te rp ri se (slot m a c h in e s e t c)’
3/ One final question, what one thing would improve your quality of life
in Swanage
B e f or e t h e me e t i n g clo sed eve r y on e was asked to ind i v id u a l l y wri t e down the i r
a n s w e r to this qu e s t i o n .
A n s w e r s fel l i n t o 5 dif f e r e n t c a t e g o r i es:
3.1 Facilities
• Mo re fa cilitie s fo r di sa b l e d (2 a n s w e rs)
• B e t t e r qu a l i t y t o i l et f a c i l it i es ( 2 answer s )
• S po r t s a nd ar t s ce n t r e s n ee d ed ( 2 ans w er s )
• Better q u a l i t y s h ops
• M o r e fa c i l ities fo r the y outh
• I n t r o d uce b e a c h huts w i th chang in g roo m s
T o t a l 9 a n s w er s
3.2 Environment
• R e p l a c i n g the ban j o j e t t y w i th wo o d e n g r o y n e s ( 2 answers )
• I n t r o d uce b e t t er sho pp i n g env ir o n m e n t ( 2 a n s w er s)
• R e d u c e em i s s i o n s f r o m Swa n a g e Ra i l w a y
• G e n e r al l y im p r o v e bea c h f r ont
• K e e p do gs off the b e ac h
• S e t t l e m e nt in agr ee m e nt to e ns u r e Swa n a g e b e a c h alw ay s re m a i ns a
p o p u l a r sand y beach
T o t a l 8 a n s w er s

3.3 Local Council
• S w a n a g e Tow n C o u nc i l to be mor e in d ep en d e n t a n d have m or e say o v e r local i s s u e s ( 5 a n s w e r s)
• S w a n a ge To w n c o u n ci l to liste n more to loc a l p e op l e (3 an s w e rs) T o t a l 8 a n s w er s

3.4 Traffic and Transport
• B e t t e r b u s r o u t e s lo c a l l y (3 comm e n ts a b o u t S w a n a g e and Dur ls t o n and
o n e wa n t i ng f as t er l i n k s to Poo l e )
(4 an s w e rs)
• P a r k i n g issues (1 p e r s o n w a n t e d mo r e du r i n g the su m m e r a n d 1 wa n t e d a
p a r k and r ide sch e m e)
(2 an s w e rs)
• A re l i ef ro ad to th e So ut h of t h e to w n .
T o t a l 7 a n s w er s
3.5 Police
M ore a n d b e t t e r q u a l i t y polic i n g in S w a n a g e (o ne p e r s o n stat i n g a zer o
t o l e r a n c e po l i c y )
( 2 answ er s)
T h er e wer e 6 ot h er r es pon d ents :
3 in d i v i d u a l s did not an s w e r t h e q u e s t i o n.
1 in d i v i d u a l stat e d tha t n o t h i ng n ee d e d to b e c h a n g e d
1 in d i v i d u a l m en t i o n e d p l a n n i ng a p p l i ca t i on ap p r o v a l would be im p or t ant
1 in d i v i d u a l m en t i o n e d that “r e m ov al of 20 yea r s of m y age ” wo u l d b e the
m ajor i mp r ov em e nt f or Swanag e as a who l e!
Profile of those attending
A tot a l of 38 p e ople we r e age d 65 - 90 yea r s o f a g e, wit h t h e r e m ai n i n g 2 age d 4 1 - 65 yea r s of a g e. A l l e x cept 1 res p o nd e nt w e r e ret i r ed . The re m a i n i ng r e s p o n d e n t at wo r k, wo r ked in I n t e r n a t i o nal E d u c a t i o n . T h e r e w e r e 22 f e m a l e r es p o n d e n ts an d 17 m a l e res p o n d e n t s (on e did not stat e t h e i r sex) .

Questionnaire, detailed analysis, from Page 48

The Swanage Community Plan: Help shape the future of Swanage!
Bournemouth University / PACE / Ed B ickle. January 200 5 48

Better catering / service standards in local hotels 1
A directory of reputable reliable of local traders 1
Everything from the streets to living 1
Mowlem Theatre refurbished/replaced 5
Social/evening events 4
Marina 3
No marina 2
Better / more accommodation for tourists: 2
Open a nice club for over 25`s 2
Avoidance of any more building such as the Mowlem 'theatre' 1
Use Prince Albert Gardens for summer concerts 1
A purpose built Arts Centre with galleries, lecture 1
More reasonably priced excursions 1
Coaches doing day outings 1
More attractions in Swanage itself 1
More less expensive eating places 1
G ood pub with good food and atmosphere 1
Quality beach front restaurant 1
Take more advantage of great walking opportunities 1
Restriction of day trippers who flood the town 1
Less emphasis on the tourist: more on needs of locals born and bred 1
Educate tourists not to clog pavements and shops 1
All year sea water bathing other than open sea 1
G etting a less tacky look to Ocean Bay - Ballard Point area 1
Entertainment for under 30`s 1
More social venues 1
Introduce beach huts with changing rooms 1
Better public transport 17
Better bus service 16
Traffic calming/management 11
Better rail links (Wareham) 9
Pedestrianisation 7
Better parking 6
More parking for locals 4
The one way system 2
Cheaper ferry fares 2
Minibus transport 2
Cheaper parking 2
Restrictions on overnight camper van parking 2
An alternative route to reach the South of Swanage 2
Airport 1
Decent bus shelters 1
Sandbanks ferry –longer operating hours 1
Transport to hospital 1
Easier short stay parking 1
Less smoke from ‘parked’engines overnight 1
Sort out the traffic flow / parking on the sea front to prevent an accident 1
Parking concession for residents at Durlston Country Park 1
People not parking on yellow lines 1
A big reduction in the use of cars for journeys of less than 3-4 miles 1
Speeding cars down Northbrook road 1
Northbrook & De Moulham roads- one way and speed restrictions 1
Tarmac and potholes 1
Cleaner roads / pavements 1

The Swanage Community Plan: Help shape the future of Swanage!
Bournemouth University / PACE / Ed B ickle. January 200 5 49
A covered walk way from disabled car park to Health Centre 1
Big reduction on noise from all traffic 1
Cycle track along V alley Road from Corfe Castle to Swanage 1
Transport B roads 1
Traffic Wardens to improve their public image 1
Can' t drive: can' t afford to drive: taxis expensive: busses daunting 1
Less arrogant and dogmatic traffic wardens 1
Road being correctly named - not Court Road 1
Designated areas for Camper vans 1
Park and Ride 1
I'm content/totally happy 5
No major development or change 3
More time spent here! 2
More sunshine! 1
Better health in approaching old age 1
Not a lot. Can' t put the clock back. I'm 90 1
I don't live here thank goodness 1
Smile 1
I can't really say 1
More money 1
No one thing 1
Better quality and standards 1
Better balance of age, race and cultural diversity in the town 1
G ive elderly a chance to live reasonably well 1
Removal of 20 years of my age! 1

Questionnaire, detailed analysis, from Page 35 to Page 48

More police presence 14
Prevent/reduce vandalism 6
Control of anti social behaviour 5
No drinking in public/streets 2
Police time wasting 1
Police allowed to punish immediately 1
Noise late at night 1
Clamp down on illegal parking esp. on sea front 1
Emphasis on real villains not motorists 1
Reduce crime rate 1
Less building flats/ flat co nversions 21
Affordable housing 16
Restrictions on 2 nd homes 5
More employment opportunities 5
Improve appearance of housing 3
Housing priority for locals 3
Keep young people/ families in the town 2
Local, non-seasonal work 2
Stop building or converting homes and businesses into retirement homes 2
Affordable rents for new businesses - or concessions on rates 1
Economic regeneration 1
More choice in affordable workspaces with good facilities 1
Tightening up on businesses that operate from private homes - parking problems 1
Better housing for Swanage young people 1
Housing: lack of council or shared ownership 1
Loss of vitality to town -2 nd homes 1
Attitude of locals towards second homers 1
Thing to encourage the young to stay 1
Second home owners/visitors – tourist tax 1
Second home owners tax reductions 1
Means testing for 2 nd home owners 1
Housing policy/development 1
Housing: flats etc. hotels, accommodation 1
More/better facilities & activities for the youth 19
Better attitude towards children 2
Sell use of the library to youngsters 1
Topi c Numb er of

G et youngsters involved in tours of Swanage for tourists 1
Things to be more child friendly 1
The Youth club – put in some arcade machines 1
Beach showers for children 1
A children’s centre: accommodation for ‘By The Seaside’ 1
Continuation of development of King G eorge’s site esp. play area 1
Childcare facilities 1
Cleaner/ less litter 36
Better public toilets 14
Poor state of Pier head site/ tidy up/ renovate 12
Less dog fouling 10
Ban/regulate jet skis 7
Improvement / upgrading of beach and seafront 6
Change design of flood alleviation jetty 6
Improve / repair wooden groynes - 4
More recycling 4
Loss of sand from beach 4
Tidy up appearance of buildings 4
G raffiti reduction 2
G et rid of light pollution 2
Free public toilets 2
Removal of ugly buildings! 2
Improve air quality from train fumes 2
Fast food/ take away outlets to pay for daily clean up 1
Extend dog free beach enforcement 1
Supervision for road sweepers and refuse collectors 1
Cold water shower on the beach: to save water 1
Buildings on seafront 1
Stop beach erosion north of outfall - junction V ictoria Ave / Shore Rd 1
Seaweed collection - piles of seaweed awaiting collection left on sitting areas. Beach looks like a war
zone afterwards 1
The steps down to the beach at New Swanage are very dangerous 1
The sea defences which ruin the look of the beach 1
I wish my dog was not banned from the beach in the summer 1
Remove naturists from Studland 1
Partly unoccupied derelict building by the taxi office near the pier should be developed commercially
or demolished 1
Better planning and licensing control 1
Build with care 1
New Buildings sympathetic, use local stone 1
G et rid of radio mast at Harrow House 1
Resist new development but seek to regenerate and refurbish 1
Removal of bright lights on sea fronts 1
Landscape Town Centre 1
Circular clock not as aesthetically pleasing as square clock 1
Dark blue paint not as nice as turq uoise 1
Old buildings need protecting more and bulldozing less 1
Redevelopment and new buildings 1
Architecture - taste in the Planning Department 1
Fix the lights in the Parade and Square 1
Huge grey metal shed on Industrial Estate needs painting to merge in 1
Repair dangerous pavements 1
Improve approach from Harmons Cross by planting trees and shrubs 1
Salt container for icy weather at hill tops 1
Footpath along water's edge from Sailing Club to Peveril Point 1
Path - used by dog owners for access to St George's Field - alongside 'Mowlem' burial ground &
railway badly eroded: damaging tree roots 1

Only plastic bottles / glasses allowed outside - beer / alcohol in town area 1
I don't really know 1
People should become more aware of their environment and look after it better 1
No poly bags in green recycle boxes: tie paper with string? 1
More quality shops 13
More/better supermarkets 12
Improved shopping facilities 4
Opening times of shops/ cafes 3
G reater racial / cultural mix in the town 2
Everyday shops not seasonal shops/tourist shops 2
More adult education courses 2
More Care Homes 2
Learning facilities 2
V ery little 2
Fill empty shop premises 1
Large Clothes store - M & S? 1
Good shoe shop 1
More children's clothes shops 1
The Co-op should not be an electrical retailer: should sell quality food at reasonable prices 1
Market needs more stalls selling high quality items 1
Shops for residents 1
Miss local sub Post Office 1
Shops are useless 1
More staff at supermarkets 1
No more Charity shops 1
Include Waitrose a good bookshop,good restaurants 1
Some of the shops look tacky now 1
Customer service training for retailers and small businesses 1
Better availability of fruit / vegetables / fres h food all year round 1
Farmers Market is poor - not local produce 1
Sheltered shops cafes: roof or glass canopy over Commercial Road 1
Encourage wider variety of shops and business into town 1
But I feel forced often to shop off Purbeck 1
Develop Commercial Lane - shops/cafes 1
Specialist children' s' shoe shop 1
Not possible to go to the Bank 1
The 'filled in' windows above Somerfield could be painted to look like proper windows 1
Lower Council Taxes 1
A more forward looking Council: representing local people not themselves 1
Replied to letters to council and county 1
The Council: seems to be against anyone who wants to change or improve anything 1
G et rid of council employees who do nothing but send out useless questionnaires 1
Open local government 1
Fees and expenses for councillors reduced: match level of service provided 1
Community labour to be carried out locally 1
Lack of planning for the future and need for a Swanage identity 1
The town's perception of itself: it lacks pride: it does not provide QUALITY for anyone 1
Endless feuding and lack of tolerance between different groups 1
ST to become inclusive of political persuasions (other than majority) 1
No radical changes 1
Must not loose Swanages uniq ue quality 1
Develop Swanage as an additional site for BU 1
Threat to schools - worried about the possible changes from middle to primary schools with school
closures 1
Supervised after lessons homework and leisure activities at middle school and purbeck school 1
Provide shelters to cope with bad weather 1
Better use of St G eorge's Field 1

To improve facilities for people living here 1
Too many things require trips to Poole or Dorchester 1
Restore old grammar school as outdoor activity centre or Field centre for Jurassic coast 1
Communications 1
Library facilities - more hours - more books - wider range 1
Develop services available at Cottage Hospital 1
Restore Meals on Wheels 1
Improve Home Care 1
Community Centre for all with long opening hours 1
More facilities for the elderly and disabled 1
More or better use of local parks 1
Town Hall - outside help and advice required 1
Stop the demolition of hotels/ more hotels 11
Better quality café and restaurants 10
Make Swanage more upmarket 6
G et rid of amusement arcades 6
Rebuild/replace/knock down Mowlem 6
Improve tourist industry/ make people welcome 5
A Marina 4
Rebuild beach/ beach facilities 4
Wet weather facilities for tourists 2
Raise status of bandstand - lucky to have one 2
Boating facilities upgraded 2
Used to be a picture postcard town: not so much left: keep what we have left 2
Red tape and business taxes on hotels and guest houses 1
Tax incentives to improve quality/ quantity of visitor accommodation 1
Develop Mowlem as good arts centre 1
No live theatre at Mowlem 1
V ery uncomfortable seats in Mowlem: a new cinema 1
More consideration to day visitors 1
Nice tourists to return to stay 1
Avoidance of yaught marina 1
Less beach huts 1
Beach drop off and pick up zone at each end of jetty 1
Loss of sand on main beach- archways through jetty to let tidal streams run through? 1
Better water sports facilities 1
Facilities for those who use the seas other than for bathing 1
Clearer publicity for attractions in Swanage 1
Reduce overcrowding in height of summer 1
Inability of tourists to respect the environment and local peoples' needs 1
Retain Swanage' s charm 1
Is too seasonal 1
Sort out town centre evening youth 'culture' 1
Co-ordinated beach hut cost for residents regularly taking seasonal hire for personal use 1
More attention / consideration / benefits given to full time residents choosing to holiday here 1
To expand our profile and embrace change now, for a secure / prosperous future, where young wish to
stay 1
Coach trips to area increased in winter to include victorian Swanage 1
Destructive and negative attitude to visitors and long term second home owners 1
All the visitors around 1
Intermittent loud music of 'oh! my darling clementine sweeping across the beach front and beach from
the amusement arcade 1
Imaginative public art a good idea - see Brighton 1
Develop open-air environment: cafes etc 1
Facilities for visitors in wet weather 1
Adventure activities - climbing tuition course? - increased potential 1
Better facilities for families: families club with bar not pub 1

To improve facilities for people living here 1
Too many things require trips to Poole or Dorchester 1
Restore old grammar school as outdoor activity centre or Field centre for Jurassic coast 1
Communications 1
Library facilities - more hours - more books - wider range 1
Develop services available at Cottage Hospital 1
Restore Meals on Wheels 1
Improve Home Care 1
Community Centre for all with long opening hours 1
More facilities for the elderly and disabled 1
More or better use of local parks 1
Town Hall - outside help and advice required 1
Stop the demolition of hotels/ more hotels 11
Better quality café and restaurants 10
Make Swanage more upmarket 6
G et rid of amusement arcades 6
Rebuild/replace/knock down Mowlem 6
Improve tourist industry/ make people welcome 5
A Marina 4
Rebuild beach/ beach facilities 4
Wet weather facilities for tourists 2
Raise status of bandstand - lucky to have one 2
Boating facilities upgraded 2
Used to be a picture postcard town: not so much left: keep what we have left 2
Red tape and business taxes on hotels and guest houses 1
Tax incentives to improve quality/ quantity of visitor accommodation 1
Develop Mowlem as good arts centre 1
No live theatre at Mowlem 1
V ery uncomfortable seats in Mowlem: a new cinema 1
More consideration to day visitors 1
Nice tourists to return to stay 1
Avoidance of yaught marina 1
Less beach huts 1
Beach drop off and pick up zone at each end of jetty 1
Loss of sand on main beach- archways through jetty to let tidal streams run through? 1
Better water sports facilities 1
Facilities for those who use the seas other than for bathing 1
Clearer publicity for attractions in Swanage 1
Reduce overcrowding in height of summer 1
Inability of tourists to respect the environment and local peoples' needs 1
Retain Swanage' s charm 1
Is too seasonal 1
Sort out town centre evening youth 'culture' 1
Co-ordinated beach hut cost for residents regularly taking seasonal hire for personal use 1
More attention / consideration / benefits given to full time residents choosing to holiday here 1
To expand our profile and embrace change now, for a secure / prosperous future, where young wish to
stay 1
Coach trips to area increased in winter to include victorian Swanage 1
Destructive and negative attitude to visitors and long term second home owners 1
All the visitors around 1
Intermittent loud music of 'oh! my darling clementine sweeping across the beach front and beach from
the amusement arcade 1
Imaginative public art a good idea - see Brighton 1
Develop open-air environment: cafes etc 1
Facilities for visitors in wet weather 1
Adventure activities - climbing tuition course? - increased potential 1
Better facilities for families: families club with bar not pub 1

Road and pavement sweeping in residential areas 1
Transport B roads 1
Big lorry ban 1
Condition of the town roads 1
Limit number of metallic signs for motorists: useful only in a few key areas 1
Access to the South-east of town & commercial road 1
Bypass for Corfe and Sandford 1
Access to south Swanage without having to drive through the town centre 1
Emergency Vehicle access through town if Institute Road blocked 1
Road system 1
Reduce the number of vehicles through Corfe Castle, Harmons Cross and Herston along the A351
V alley road 1

The Swanage Community Plan: Help shape the future of Swanage!
Bournemouth University / PACE / Ed B ickle. January 200 5 41
Topi c Numb er of
Cleaner/ less litter 9
No more building 4
Better toilets 3
Fines for/less dog mess 2
Preserve the unique open spaces around the Bay 2
G eneral appearance of buildings 2
G raffiti free 1
Improved recycling facilities 1
The maintenance of its uniq ue peacefulness. 1
Ensure cliff stabilisation 1
That the sea hasn't risen over it 1
Retain the views of green downs 1
Slipway facilities safer 1
Improved environmental service 1
That new buildings will fit in with the landscape 1
I hope that the shabbier properties will be far fewer 1
No building in Sand Pit Field or by bandstand 1
Open spaces not built on 1
Remove inappropriate developments 1
Restriction of bay development continued 1
Appearance of town smartened up 1
To see that cleanness of the town and beaches are as good as they are now 1
Well cared for green areas esp. by seafront 1
Repair dangerous pavements 1
Sports/leisure centre 24
Better sports facilities 3
Diving centre 2
New play area in King George’ s field with indoor area/pavilion 1
Sign to football club 1
Indoor play facility 1
Building of a clubhouse and facilities for rowing club 1
Little: have little faith in local councillors will to improve sports facilities 1
Affordable homes/Affordable housing for young 23
More jobs/ better job prospects 14

The Swanage Community Plan: Help shape the future of Swanage!
Bournemouth University / PACE / Ed B ickle. January 200 5 42
Less building of flats 12
Less second homes 10
Smarter/more upmarket 6
Second home owners ‘pay there way’/full council tax 5
More trade/industry 4
Encourage more small/ SMEs to base business here 4
Do not expand on retirement properties 4
Become a dynamic and diverse and thriving business community 4
To continue to prosper 2
Quality housing built 2
House prices too high as is poll tax 1
Gains confidence as a permanent town 1
More council houses to be built 1
With better IT communications: more business run from home 1
Support and welcome new business in keeping with style of the town 1
More choice in affordable workspaces with good facilities 1
Small business areas established off Victoria Ave and Commercial Rd 1
More residents using local businesses 1
Develop a regeneration plan, to inspire younger people and retain their skills in the town 1
Keep locally owned & managed business 1
G rows a community and services base linked to permanent homes 1
Change of attitude from local business owners 1
Retain a working community 1
Economic activity: increase proportion of working people to those in retirement 1
More financially viable as a community 1
Concentrate on being an attractive residential place for people who work out of town
or who are retired 1
Welcome change for continuing growth 1
Brought into 21st century 1
Better trained / skilled artisans 1
Better long term planning by Councils 1
More local powers (less to district) 1
Scrap Town Council: replace with extended Purbeck D.C 1
Less Council Tax 1
More balanced Town Council 1
Better control of Council workers to accomplish jobs quicker 1
More progressive Council with more younger councillors 1
If the Local Council really means what they say - we have every hope for the town - but we have heard
promises before 1
Rates linked to income 1
No more housing development 1
Balance of types of property 1
I hope that ‘out of character’ housing will have been substantially reduced 1
I hope a large number of houses are not built by Days Park - noise / changing the atmosphere 1
Not much if council keeps giving developers permission to knock down old buildings 1
No future if something is not done about housing - too expensive for young people - too many holiday
homes 1
Restricted accommodation for single people/ newly married 1
More police presence 5
Sort out troublesome youths 3
Less vandalism 2
Keep a low crime rate 1
Law and order would have prevailed 1
Crime free 1
Prevent troublemakers from starting 1
Raising awareness of anti-social behaviour 1
None - unless anti-social individuals are removed 1

The Swanage Community Plan: Help shape the future of Swanage!
Bournemouth University / PACE / Ed B ickle. January 200 5 43
That it remains a safe and friendly place to live 1
The cutting down of drug taking and drinking - young people - leads to crime 1
Hope that vandals will have learned to appreciate people and property 1
Improved supermarkets 9
More/improved facilities 9
Better shops 6
Community centre/hall 5
More/ better adult education classes 4
Full scale/ better hospital 3
Schools thriving 1
Keep Swanage middle school 1
A Bournemouth University department in the town 1
Warden controlled / supervised flats for the elderly 1
Utility infrastructure improved 1
Formation of local associations linked to business and schools to control the town 1
Development via Steps Hollow of infrastructure for boats - repairs: holding tank etc 1
Accessibility to buildings 1
Continuation / improvement of day care facilities 1
Cottage Hospital works completed 1
Keep excellent medical services 1
That it treasures and protects its Community Hospital 1
Medical staff at Swanage Hospital 1
We hope that healthcare facilities for the elderly will have improved 1
Place suitable for staging art exhibitions 1
Better facilities for youngsters 1
Restore meals on wheels 1
Improve home care 1
Community bank 1
Better provision for the elderly 1
Local produce at weekend market 1
Restore all or part of the old railway pier used for stone removal years ago 1
Better clothes shopping 1
More variety in shopping area: use all shops 1
A specialised DV D, computer games, video, CD shop 1
Burger King 1
McDonalds 1
Not overrun by Burger Kings / High pressure retailers etc 1
A B & Q or similar 1
Younger town/ less retired people/more balanced 13
Less people/young people moving out the area 4
More young people resident in Swanage 2
Better class of people, caring for Swanage 1
A town where all groups can live together: young / families / middle aged / elderly / 2nd homers: with
all their needs catered for 1
LOTS: local people care and are waiting for the chance to help 1
More people having more fun without upsetting others in the community 1
Less negative attitude from young people 1
Keep the friendship among locals 1
Keep a vibrant young population 1
Encourage more permanent population rather than holiday homes 1
That Swanage does not end up as a low grade retirement 1
Protect needs of elderly, but focus on the future giving younger people involvement and a sense of
pride in Swanage 1
Fresh young people moving in 1

To remain the same/no change/little change 56
Planners must be very strict on new developments and respect town's history 1
To grow a bit but not too large that it’s unrecognisable as a small town 1
That it keeps its character, but embraces being the focus for the Heritage Coast - but doesn't get taken
over by 'big' outsiders 1
V ictorian charm cultivated not abused by developers and town council 1
That it does not attempt to compete with Poole or Bournemouth 1
Remains tourist town/ tourism grows 17
Improve Mowlem 10
Centre for Jurassic coast/positive effects of JC 9
Management of beach 8
Marina 8
A family holiday resort 7
Hotels will not continue to become flats 6
Accommodation for visitors 6
Wet weather/indoor provision for visitors 5
Clean/improve beach and seafront 5
No more amusement arcades 4
More restaurants 3
Re develop Pier head 3
Some form of breakwater or harbour facilities NOT MARINA 2
Seafront no further development 2
Action to stop beach erosion 2
An improvement of the buildings round the Pier 2
Facilities for sea gowers on pier 1
Develop Mowlem as a good Arts Centre 1
More visitors staying overnight or longer 1
Development of specialist shops and hotels to attract short stay visitors 1
Return to the self-supporting small town, before tourism became all important,
affecting types of shops 1
Emphasise local culture, history and people: not like everywhere else and other seaside towns 1
This is a wonderful chance to make Swanage a very desirable place to live in - and to visit 1
That it may become a quieter place in the summer months 1
Not to grow too much and become too tacky and touristy 1
Reduction in number of visitors / schools conducting surveys 1
That Swanage becomes the creative and cultural heart of Purbeck 1
Integrated water sports facilities centred on pier 1
Harbour 1
Boathouse for rowing club 1
More boat sailings from pier 1
Increased water sports activities & facilities 1
If coast is to be seen at its best from sea, boats must be able to stay here and have what they need
locally 1
Pier got rid of 1
That the concrete groynes do not get funding 1
Sensitively repaired sea wall 1
No hideous breakwaters 1
Tourists: impact of too many visitors to the Jurassic Coast 1
Heritage Coast Centre & café / restaurant at the castle: wide publicity 1
Heritage Centre open all year: people visit all year 1
Access to Durlston Bay by footpath useable by all 1
Pony-trekking bridleway along the length of Heritage Coast with stop-off hostels 1
A thriving centre at Durlston Castle 1
Clearer Heritage feel 1
People able to enjoy our coastline 1

Areas are redeveloped - Pier Head 1
A more viable town if tourism is taken seriously in relation to the World Heritage status, but I fear the
difficult decisions will not be taken and money not invested 1
Better use of Bandstand 1
Museum - centrally placed - history of Swanage 1
More arts and cultural events 1
Continuation of excellent events - well publicised 1
Facilities for non holidaymakers improved in winter 1
More stuff to do 1
Local activities: Jazz, Blues, Folk, Carnival etc - more support and encouragement 1
Improvements in food / entertainment bringing services to 21st century standards 1
Renewed attraction for visitors 1
More events like Jazz Festival 1
With all the necessary support facilities 1
Balance of entertainment for all age groups 1
Retain Punch & Judy / Carnival etc. 1
Better provision for day trippers 1
Better designed amusements 1
Better service in Public Houses 1
Proper use of outdoor space: Albert G ardens amphitheatre for paid for productions
Holiday Park 1
That the seafront will not be built upon, or popularised – funfairs 1
That it will not try to become like every other seaside town, but DEV ELOP its own characteristics 1
Rail link to Wareham 26
Better public transport 14
Improve traffic flow/control/ roads 10
Pedestrianisation 6
Bus service improved 2
Free parking 2
Lower parking prices 2
Better parking 2
Buses from Poole & Bournemouth in evening 1
Link 150 bus to 142/ 3/ 4 – access to Bournemouth 1
V isitors should use car parks not road 1
G ood maps at exits of car parks 1
Underground car parks under sea front gardens 1
Northbrook & De Moulham roads - one way + speed restrictions 1
Tunnel under Prince Albert Gardens: climate change / wetter weather 1
Provide some encouragement to make greater use of park and ride facility at Nordon 1
Remove loading area in Institute Road 1
Cycle track along V alley Road from Corfe Castle to Swanage 1
Don’t think I’ll still be here 4
That im still alive 2
A plot in the cemetery! 1
More fears than hopes 1
That questionnaires like this are headed 1
No more surveys: actions not talk 1
No hope: place needs integrity 1

Topi c Numb er of
Control/surveillance of anti social behaviour/ vandalism 13
More police 6
Feeling of safety 2
G ood policing 1
Litter reduction 11
Clean, well-maintained, free public toilets 8
Less noise 4
Beach full of sand/ improve beach 4
Ban jet skis 3
Reduce the shabbiness 2
Replace Banjo jetty with wooden groynes 2
Clean air, currently contaminated by Swanage Steam Railway 2
Free refuse bins in Cowlease Lane 1
Retail premises to charge for plastic bags 1
More dog waste bins on popular dog walking routes 1
Increase public hygiene standards 1
Restoration of stonework in public areas 1
Repair dangerous pavements 1
Levelled pavements 1
Urgent attention to landslip at Durlston 1
Control of new building: should fit in with existing character 1
Future development being sensitive to the environment 1
Ban more building 1
Blitz on anti-social dog owners 1
I wish my dog was not banned from the beach in the summer 1
Keep dogs of beach 1
More conservation officers 1
More dropped kerbs – disabled 1
Outer boundary for high powered motor boats 1
Quiet, more considerate neighbours 1
Sports centre/hall / facilities 29
A fully fitted rowing club 2
Better gym/fitness facilities for all ages 1
A really good marine sports/ leisure area 1
Wet/soft play indoor centre for young children 1

Affordable housing 6
Council to be more independent and have more say over local issues 5
Keep Council tax down/ reasonable 4
Council to listen to local people 4
Lower cost of living 1
Balance between working people and retirement 1
More permanent residents: less part-timers 1
Too many people retire here 1
Limit or ban property developers 1
I'd like to be able to afford to live here 1
Not allowing planning permission in built up areas 1
Planning application approval 1
Second home owners to pay their way - reducing Council Tax 1
Larger home 1
Range of employment 1
Proper salary: so I can progress without moving away 1
More young people gaining useful work: running own business 1
Income related community charge 1
G etting something useful for the Council tax 1
That council tax be replaced by something fairer 1
Town Council policy should change: too skewed to tourism at the expense of locals 1
That Purbeck District Council realise that there' s life beyond Corfe Castle 1
A central government that is open and not prone to half-truths and u-turns 1
To feel that those who are running the town are working together and not against each other: for the
town and for the future 1
Better communication between Town Council and local business 1
Knowing that planners have a long view of what's best for Swanage: not just instant money 1
Larger/better supermarket 6
Better quality/ service by shops 5
More facilities for young people 4
Less waiting time at checkouts 2
Play area for young children/ adventure playground 2
Better shopping environment 2
More disabled facilities 2
More facilities for older people 1
Better provision for young and elderly 1
More facilities for locals 1
Medical support at nights and weekends 1
Improve facilities: library, Mowlem etc. 1
Proper full scale hospital with A & E department 1
We cannot register with a dentist in Swanage 1
Decent garden centre 1
Shops should open longer hours: not operate like a hobby 1
Online shopping and delivery to Swanage by Sainsburys / Tescos 1
Food in supermarkets (Co-Op & Somerfield) to be same price as at home in those stores 1
Make town centre a shopper friendly place where people want to linger 1
Bank open on a Saturday 1
Evening classes that you can get to without a car 1
More home help 1
Post box in the Industrial Estate 1
Restore Meals on Wheels 1
Improve Home Care 1
Central multipurpose community centre 1
Beach changing facilities for occasional swimmers 1
Too many pedestrian crossings in town: move them to the outskirts 1
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Better catering / service standards in local hotels 1
A directory of reputable reliable of local traders 1
Everything from the streets to living 1
Mowlem Theatre refurbished/replaced 5
Social/evening events 4
Marina 3
No marina 2
Better / more accommodation for tourists: 2
Open a nice club for over 25`s 2
Avoidance of any more building such as the Mowlem 'theatre' 1
Use Prince Albert Gardens for summer concerts 1
A purpose built Arts Centre with galleries, lecture 1
More reasonably priced excursions 1
Coaches doing day outings 1
More attractions in Swanage itself 1
More less expensive eating places 1
G ood pub with good food and atmosphere 1
Quality beach front restaurant 1
Take more advantage of great walking opportunities 1
Restriction of day trippers who flood the town 1
Less emphasis on the tourist: more on needs of locals born and bred 1
Educate tourists not to clog pavements and shops 1
All year sea water bathing other than open sea 1
G etting a less tacky look to Ocean Bay - Ballard Point area 1
Entertainment for under 30`s 1
More social venues 1
Introduce beach huts with changing rooms 1
Better public transport 17
Better bus service 16
Traffic calming/management 11
Better rail links (Wareham) 9
Pedestrianisation 7
Better parking 6
More parking for locals 4
The one way system 2
Cheaper ferry fares 2
Minibus transport 2
Cheaper parking 2
Restrictions on overnight camper van parking 2
An alternative route to reach the South of Swanage 2
Airport 1
Decent bus shelters 1
Sandbanks ferry –longer operating hours 1
Transport to hospital 1
Easier short stay parking 1
Less smoke from ‘parked’engines overnight 1
Sort out the traffic flow / parking on the sea front to prevent an accident 1
Parking concession for residents at Durlston Country Park 1
People not parking on yellow lines 1

Questionnaire, detailed analysis, from Page 18 to Page 35

All responses in this area surrounded the need for improved/ more sports facilities in
Decent all- weather sports facility (Miscellaneous Regeneration Survey)
To build sports leisure centre ( Transport Evening)
Proper size/ full scale indoor swimming pool ( Housing Economic Regeneration
Of the 74 comments relating to transport 44 (59.5%) relate to public transport. The
desire to see a rail link to Wareham ( 26) and an improvement in public transport in
general (14) are the two main themes of response.
Functional and affordable train service to Wareham (Housing Economic
Regeneration Survey)
Direct rail link - more accessibility to Bournemouth / Poole etc (Methodist Church
Mums and Toddlers)
Public transport is improved (Sea Rowing Club)
Buses from Poole & Bournemouth in evening (Miscellaneous)
Non public transport related replies centred on traffic control/ management (10),
pedestrianisation (6) and parking (6).
Traffic flow to south of town without going through main shops (Friends of Durlston)
Traffic free town centre (Purbeck Gazette)
Lower parking prices (E-Mail)
What one thing would improve your quality of life in Swanage?
The most common topic of response to question 4 by far was transport with nearly 1
in 3 comments (106). Following transport, the environment is the most frequently
cited response (almost 1 out of 8 comments or 13.9%) followed by housing and
economy (41 out of 331 responses – 12.4%).

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Table 5 – Responses to Question 4 by Topic
Topic Nu mb er of
% of
Resp onses
CRIME 22 6.6
36 10.9
TRANSPORT 106 32.0
TOTAL 331 100%
Key issues for discussion raised from question 4 include:
The need for a sports centre or sports hall (29)
Better public transport (17)
A better bus service (16)
More control and surveillance of anti social behaviour/vandalism (13)
Traffic calming/ management (11)
Problems with litter (11)
Better rail links (to Wareham) (9)
10. 1 CRIME
Crime was not a topic of greatest importance according to the responses that were
collected (see previous subsection) but antisocial behaviour (13) constitutes the main
focus of the comments on the topic.
Control of anti-social behaviour by young people on seafront (Business Economic
Regeneration Survey)
Proper control of the area of the High Street from the quay to the 'Purbeck' pub (the
pub is not a problem; just a geographical reference) which becomes a playground for
yobs and children who ought to be at home from about 9pm each evening. There are
obvious drunken children, foul language, offensive behaviour etc on parade every
evening ..... where are the police? A very few persistent 'pests' need control! ( Purbeck
G azette, 01-Aug-04)
Further comments related to the feeling of safety and the need for a greater police
A more high profile police presence (Housing Economic Regeneration Survey)
More police on the beat (Select & Save)
More and better quality policing (Purbeck Society Meeting)

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As with previous questions the need for affordable housing was seen as a point of
debate. However the number of comments received (6) was lower than key issues
raised in other areas such as the need for a sports centre ( 29) or public transport
The next three main responses concerned the local council:
Council to have more say over local issues/ be more independent (5)
Keep council tax down/ reasonable (4)
Council to listen to local people (4)
Council to be more independent and have more say over local issues ( Purbeck
Society Meeting)
Council Tax kept at reasonable level (Housing Economic Regeneration Survey)
It is perhaps worth mentioning here that 8 of the above 13 comments were all from
the same source i.e. The Purbeck Society Meeting and possibly shows interest by
members in that society in local policy and decision making. Some similar comments
made on an individual basis included;
Not allowing planning permission in built up areas ( Housing Economic Regeneration
That Council Tax be replaced by a fairer system for OAP's and those on fixed income
(Miscellaneous Regeneration Survey)
To feel that those who are running the town are working together and not against
each other: for the town and for the future (Business Economic Regeneration Survey)
Just under 1 in 4 (23.9%) of responses abou t the environment were on litter reduction
(11) whilst 17.4% were on the need to improve public toilets (8).
Improved litter collection/ receptacles for litter (Miscellaneous Regeneration Survey)
Litter problems improved (League of Friends)
Better quality toilet facilities (Purbeck Society Meeting)
Some respondents went on to suggest ways of improving the litter situation:
Retail premises to CHARGE for plastic bags: reduce plastic litter (Miscellaneous)
Free refuse bins for locals in Cowlease lane (Purbeck Gazette)

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Other responses included less noise (4), improvements to the beach (4) and the
banning of jet skis (3).
The most popular form of response under local facilities surrounded shopping
facilities; larger/better supermarket (6) and better quality/service by shops (5) as well
as better shopping environment (2).
Larger supermarket: more choice: better brands (Housing Economic Regeneration
Shops should open longer hours: not operate like a hobby ( Miscellaneous
Regeneration Survey)
In addition, there were further suggestions on how improvement in local facilities
would result in betterment of the quality of life in the town. Comments included:
More facilities for disabled (Purbeck Society Meeting)
Support local community initiative for imaginative outdoor play area for young
children (Housing Economic Regeneration Survey)
We cannot register with a dentist in Swanage (Purbeck Gazette)
Support local community initiative for imaginative outdoor play area for young
children (Housing Economic Regeneration Survey)
Although the majority of responses centred on general improvements in tourism
provision the Mowlem theatre received a number of specific comments (6).
Replace the Mowlem Centre - it's terrible (Tourist Information Centre)
Mowlem Theatre refurbished (League of Friends)
The comments on the Mowlem should be taken in relative terms. There were only 6
comments on the Mowlem in this question compared to 29 for the need for a sports
centre/hall suggesting that, although improvement to the Mowlem may be desired, it
is not a priority of the majority of people.
Other responses included; Social/evening even ts (4), a marina (3), no marina (2) and
better/more accommodation for tourists (2).
A possible area for development was raised in the MBA students study but received
no comment within the main questionnaire. That was the development of a ‘good
quality tourist [web] site with clear links to all other sites’ . Coupled with this the
students suggested establishing a marketing plan and brand image for Swanage.

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As with previous questions there is evidence of demand for a sports centre/hall.
To build sports leisure centre (Transport Evening)
Sports hall for the community (Miscellaneous Regeneration Survey)
A decent light warm weatherproof sports hall (Purbeck Gazette)
There are also some more specific suggestions;
A fully fitted rowing club (Sea Rowing Club)
Full size swimming pool (Housing Economic Regeneration Survey)
32% of all responses (106 comments) to question 4 referred to transport showing the
possible strength of feeling in the need for improvements in this area. The top 5
responses are detailed in figure 8.
Once again, as can be seen, a great deal of comments relate to public transport (47%
of responses or 50 comments).
Better transport system: want to use the car less (Housing Economic Regeneration
Better local transport in the town (Over 60's Club)
Buses need to run all year round and longer hours (Housing Economic Regeneration
There are also a few comments on the Sandbanks ferry including;
Sandbanks Ferry - longer operating hours (Business Economic Regeneration Survey)
Cheaper season tickets for ferry: swipe card system for residents / workers: avoid
queues (Miscellaneous)
Finally, some more specific suggestions included:
Traffic Wardens to improve their public image (Business Economic Regeneration
A big reduction in the use of cars for journeys of less than 3-4 miles (Purbeck
Cycle track along Valley Road fr om Corfe Castle to Swanage (Corfe Castle Coffee

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Figure 8 - Top 5 Transport Responses
0 2 4 6 8
10 12 14 16 18
B etter public
t ransoprt
Be tter bus ser vice Tr a ffic
ca lming/ management
Be tter rail links Pedestr ianis ation
Members of the society took part in focus groups addressing the question; What
would you hope to change in Swanage? Results are detailed below and the emerging
issues are on very much the same lines as in the community questionnaire.
Table 6 -Responses to Question 4 from Purbeck Society Meeting
Number of
% of responses
Traffic and transport 33 30.8
Local facilities 32 29.9
Tourism & housing 16 15.0
Environment 14 13.1
Local Council 8 7.5
Policing 4 3.7
Main items for discussion
â Additional/ better toilet facilities (10)
â Holiday home owners should pay at least full council tax on their 2 nd homes (9)
â Better local bus routes (8)
â Visitor accommodation and houses are not demolished and replaced by flats (7)
â A comprehensive local traffic management plan (7)
11. Data Analysis – Cumulative Totals
The table below shows the cumulative totals for the major subject areas within
questions 2, 3 and 4. (Only subjects that are included in all 3 questions have been
included). We can see from this that transport is seen as the largest issue followed by
tourism & entertainment and housing & economy.

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Table 7 – Cumulative Totals for Major Issues
Topi c Number of
TOTAL 1485
What follows is an attempt to search deeper into some of the trends that emerged from
this evaluation and to help to explain why some of the major discussion points may
have been raised.
Relative to other major themes, law and order receives less coverage within the
responses. For example, 6.6% of responses to question 4 relate to crime compared to
32% to transport. This can be explained by an examination of national crime statistics.
Table 8 demonstrates that the most recent crime statistics (Jan-Mar 2003) show there
are approximately 50% fewer offences per 1000 of population in Purbeck than in
England and Wales as a whole. Also, the number of offences in Purbeck has been
steadily falling over this period.
Interestingly, however, in the most recently published Index of Deprivation (2004)
Swanage South is ranked the 13 th most (out of 247,1 being the most and 247 being the
least) deprived area in Dorset in terms of crime iii whilst Swanage North is 39 th . This
would tend to suggest that whilst crime in Purbeck is far lower than the national
average, in Swanage crime is relatively high compared to the rest of Dorset and
indeed Purbeck.
iii This measures the incidence of recorded crime for four major crime themes, representing the occurrence of personal and
material victimisation at a small area level. Burglary (4 recorded crime offence types, April 2002-March 2003), theft (5
recorded crime offence types, April 2002-March 2003, constrained to CDRP level), criminal damage (10 recorded crime
offence types, April 2002-March 2003) and violence (14 recorded crime offence types, April 2002-March 2003).

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Table 8 - Crime figures April 2002-March 2003
Source: www.c crimestatistis. co.ku
When crime is mentioned it is often raised in the context of anti-social behaviour,
especially from youths, and the desire for a greater police presence.
Raising awareness of anti-social behaviour, and the misery it can cause
More police to prevent vandalism / unsociable behaviour
The Western Division of the Dorset Police states that the priority for the division is to
reduce crime and disorder by working in partnership with our communities. Part of
this plan involves the introduction of Police Community Support Officers to support
police officers in tackling anti-social behaviour and providing a highly visible,
reassuring police presence. The findings from this research tend, therefore, to support
the local policing strategy and building on this synergy will be possible in the future.
In terms of housing two themes have emerged: the desire to see reductions in the
number of housing conversions and the need for affordable housing.
A first glance at table 9 below would tend to suggest that the need for affordable
housing in Purbeck is maybe not as high as in other parts of Dorset, with only
Weymouth and Portland and Bournemouth having lower average prices.
Table 9 - Average House Prices in Dorset July – September 2004
Region AV PRICE (£)
East Dorset £277,071
West Dorset £238,084
North Dorset £237,548
Poole £237,495
Christc r c hhu £234,658
Purbeck £224,287
Bournemouth £196,524
Weymouth And Portland £179,990
Month Number of
Offences in
Offences per
1000 population
Offences per
Offences per 1000
u poplation
Apr-Jun 2002 689 20.2 23.3 28.9
Jul-Sep 2002 479 17.9 22.5 28.1
Oct-Dec 2002 365 14.7 22.6 27.7
Jan-Mar 2003 662 141. 215. 279.

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However, if comparing the Purbeck average of £224,287 to the national regional
averages in table 10 then it becomes more apparent that there is a need for more
affordable housing in Purbeck and Swanage. It is perhaps then an issue for Dorset and
the South West collectively rather than a problem specifically related to Swanage.
Table 10 - Average House Prices in UK
Gre a ter London £287,470 Wales £135,162
South East £227,991 No rt h We s t £133,878
South We s t £201,156 Y o rk s & Humber £133,552
East Anglia £174,948 No rt h £123,606
We s t Midlan ds £159,203 No rth e rn Ir el and £112,806
East Midlands £151,405 S c o t l a n d £107,377
The need for an improved public transport infrastructure is clearly a key talking point.
Figure 9 demonstrates that Swanage has the largest percentage of car-less households
in Purbeck and by some clear margin, with the exception of Wareham. With more
than 1 in 4 households in Swanage North being without a car the need for improved
public transport, whilst being an issue for Dorset as a whole, is perhaps magnified in
In more rural areas where households are dispersed over large areas the provision of a
comprehensive public transport system is difficult but if, for example, tourism is to be
sustained in Swanage there is a need for a wider choice of transport options as issues
such as parking problems and crowded roads have been raised in this research as
already being problematic. Data shows that over 85% of journeys into Purbeck are
made by private car iv and reaffirms this need. The following is an extract from the
report ‘Making Purbeck Special’ (a strategy for 2002-07) and summarises the
challenges faced.
‘Transport is an issue of national and local concern which affects the lives of
everyone. The predicted future growth in population with easy access to Purbeck and
leisure trips will further add to the traffic volumes in Purbeck unless alternative forms
of transport are provided and promoted. Th e key challenge is to enable people to
enjoy moving around Purbeck safely and without harming the environment, through
an integrated approach encompassing improved management of road traffic and the
provision of a wider choice of transport.’
iv Source: Making Purbeck More Special – A strategy for the Purbeck Heritage Area 2002-7.

The Swanage Community Plan: Help shape the future of Swanage!
Bournemouth University / PACE / Ed B ickle. January 5200 27
Figure 9 - % of Households With no Car or Van in Purbeck – 2001
9.06 10.51 9.15
11.66 10.69
21.15 20.9
6.44 8.47
1 0
1 5
2 0
2 5
3 0
e Reg
C a st l e
C reec
h B a rr o w
t on
t t Matrav
e rs
Lytchett Minste
r an
d Upton East
Lytchett Minster and Upton West
r ti n
S wan
a ge
rt h
a nag
e Sout
W a re h am
W e st Purbeck
W inf
rith W o o l
% of Households
Source: ONS 2001 Census
One of the options open to Swanage is of course the re-opening of the Wareham rail
link, closed in 1972. As the quote below suggests there are possible knock on effects
of re-opening the link that relate to other topics covered in this report. For example, if
the rail link brought in more visitors to Swanage would there be sufficient
infrastructures in place such as increased overnight tourist accommodation to cope
with this possible expansion?
The Council is working closely with rail operators through the Purbeck Rail Partnership to
secure the re-opening of the rail link between Wareham and Swanage. This, together with a
park and ride scheme, at Norden, will reduce the number of car journeys, thereby helping the
environment whilst accommodating visitors to the area.
The Purbeck Rail Partnership has been established to facilitate the re-opening of the rail link
between Wareham and Norden. A demand forecast assessment indicated that a considerable
demand exists for the proposed service, and a business plan indicated that a service could
operate at a revenue profit.
There are no ready solutions to the transport issues raised in this research. Strategies
implemented should complement existing initiatives such as the Dorest Action for
Rural Transport (DART) project which aims to help people in rural areas have better
access to employment, education, training and essential services.
Although, Purbeck offers a wide range of opportunities for outdoor recreation v
including, walking, bathing, cycling and sailing (indeed levels of walking, cycling and
riding in Purbeck are higher than the national average) there is a strong indication in
the responses to the questionnaire that there is a demand for a sports centre of some
v Source: Making Purbeck More Special – A strategy for the Purbeck Heritage Area 2002-7.

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kind in Swanage. This suggests that residents in Swanage regard health and fitness as
an essential aspect in building a sustainable quality life in the town. The 2004 Index
of Deprivation would suggest that in terms of Health vi Swanage is relatively central
compared to the rest of Dorset; although Swanage Herston and Townsend are listed in
the top 30% of the most deprived areas within Dorset.
The positive effects of sports participation to an individual and a community include;
The opportunity to learn new skills and realize potential
Helps in combating physical and mental stress
Helps integration of communities
A vehicle for life-long learning via participation and volunteering
It is worth remembering the number of comments on the need for improvements in
public transport and the statement that 1 in 4 households in Swanage North are car
less. Perhaps the issue is, primarily, a problem of access to sports facilities (such as
the Purbeck Sports Centre in Wareham) rather than a real demand for having a leisure
centre within Swanage. That is not to say that demand for a sports centre should be
dismissed. Indeed, the Purbeck Heritage Committee will encourage opportunities for
leisure and recreation activities in Purbeck which: provide recreational
opportunities close to communities. – Making Purbeck More Special. A strategy for
the Purbeck Heritage Area 2002-07.
One possible course of action may be to build partnerships with health or education
services to increase sports/leisure/recreation participation and activities.
vi This identifies areas with relatively high rates of people who die prematurely or whose quality of life is impaired by poor he alth
or who are disabled, across the whole population, years of Potential Life Lost (1997-2001), Comparative Illness and Disability
Ratio (2001), Measures of emergency admissions to hospital (1999-2002) and Adults under 60 suffering from mood or anxiety
disorders (1997-2002).

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Based on the amount of comments on each subject area the following are seen as key
issues within the major topic areas of the report.
There is a need for a greater police presence
Control of anti-social behaviour
A cleaner Swanage with less litter
Improvements in provision of public toilets
A sports centre
Improved sports facilities
More affordable housing
Fewer flats being built/ flat conversions
More quality shops in general and especially supermarkets
Improve/ redevelop the Mowlem Theatre complex
Swanage remains a tourist town/ improvements in tourism provision
Improved public transport, in particular a rail link to Wareham
Improved traffic flow/ control of traffic
Improved access to services and facilities
Swanage is undoubtedly a beautiful place to live but faces a series of challenges to
which it must rise, both in the short term and long term to maintain its attraction as a
tourist destination, yet still being able to provide a sustainable economy for its
There are no easy short term solutions to some of the main concerns of respondents.
For improvements in public transport provision and affordable housing to be made
will require a longer term strategy and concerted efforts between organisations
working in partnerships within Swanage, Purbeck, Dorset and beyond. Other issues
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Bournemouth University / PACE / Ed B ickle. January 200 5 30
raised, such as improvements in public toilet facilities and litter collection may be
able to be tackled within a more localised strategy.
This evaluation is a snapshot of opinions at this particular moment in time. At another
date another snapshot may produce a completely different set of issues. It is perhaps
important then that a follow-up study should be conducted at some point in the future
to establish a) to what extent have the issues raised in the plan been tackled? b) are
people still concerned about the same issues?
This rep ort shou ld not stand alone but b e i nteg r ated w i th other sources of
r esear ch that have contributed towa r d s the Swanage Community Plan. Thi s will
then form a soli d ev idenc e ba se to help inf l u ence th e policy and dec i sion maki ng
p r ocess as well as ensuri ng that the ob jectives of the Plan have been met.

The Swanage Community Plan: Help shape the future of Swanage!
Bournemouth University / PACE / Ed B ickle. January 200 5 31
Topi c Numb er of
Sea/coast 103
Countryside 77
Walking opportunities 43
Scenery /views 40
Beach 30
Peace and quiet 24
Beauty 21
Fresh air 20
Location 17
Climate 10
Durlston County Park 8
Nice environment 8
Open spaces 7
Water sports/sailing 5
The downs 5
Wildlife 4
G ardens 3
G reen areas 2
Hills 2
Days park 2
Footpaths 2
Architecture 2
Floral displays 1
Night sky 1
Dorset – Isle of Purbeck 1
Pleasant area 1
Quality of life 1
Nice town with lovely surroundings 1
Can drive along sea front 1
Seafront –pier to beach 1
Unspoilt charm of West Country seaside resort 1
A treasure that needs to be cared for and guarded to secure its future 1
Regional topography 1
The bay: free of building development 1
No neon signs 1
Wooden groins 1
Stone pavements 1
Alleys 1

The Swanage Community Plan: Help shape the future of Swanage!
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People 68
Safety 32
Small town 31
Health care 26
Clubs/activities 15
Steam railway 13
Small/independent shops 10
Piers 7
Restaurants / pubs 6
Mowlem 6
G ood range of shops 6
Leisure activities 6
Transport links 5
Sufficient shops 5
Access to shops 5
Shops 5
Carnival 4
Arts 4
Local schools 3
Churches 3
Library 3
Entertainment 3
Folk festival 3
Lack of traffic problems 3
Music events 3
Allotment 2
Church activities 2
Fire station 1
Police station 1
Facilities close together 1
Community facilities 1
Leeson House & St George’s School – built on q uality 1
Bandstand 1
Waverly paddle steamer 1
Events held out of summer 1
Freedom Camping Toms Field 1
Places to visit 1
Balance of retail/ leisure/restaurants 1
Post office 1
Fresh fish 1
Market 1
Chocolate shop 1
Bakeries 1
Fish & chip restaurant 1
Shops are very nice 1
Most of the shop staff are friendly 1
Excellent gift shops 1
Purbeck stone 1
Buildings attractive 1

The Swanage Community Plan: Help shape the future of Swanage!
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Street lights- can see the sky at night 1
Local trades people give good service 1
Marvellous taxi drivers 1
Beach huts 1
Harbour 1
Lights 1
Good facilities 1
V ista pool 1
Arcade 1
Everything one could want within easy walking distance 1
Pace of life 20
Roots are here 11
Old fashioned 9
Everything 8
Character 6
Traditional seaside town 3
The unspoilt town 3
Balance between town and country life 2
Quaint alleys and historic buildings 1
Timeless quality without traffic congestion and superstore mentality 1
Respect for the old by the young 1
Sense of traditional values and morals 1
Local history 1
Retired to ideal 1
It is unique 1
Way of life 1
Its extra-special quality 1
Need to appreciate what we have here 1
Good place to live in 1
Not over developed 1
G ood mix of ages 1
Not over developed 1
Heaven on earth for me 1
Country life 1
Sheltered environment to raise children 1
There is still a living community with local shops, local people and a character of its own. It is not a
standardised tourist venue with nothing of its own. It's a friendly place to live with its
Usual problems but really it is very safe and has much to offer - local hospital, health centre, schools
and community life 1
Standard of living 1
It's a great place to live but it's being endangered 1
So pleasant, until the summer when traffic is a great problem 1
Stability - moving onwards slowly - staying much the same 1
Family friendly 1
Not overcrowded with seafront hotels 1
Family orientated 1
Town doesn’t 'close down' in the winter 1
An oasis after Bournemouth & Poole 1
Children can have great freedom 1
Reasonably diverse community 1
Seasonal changes in the character of the town 1
Working - all year round community 1
Out of season - convenient, friendly seafront 1
Space compared to London 1
Surreal aspects of the town: Town Hall / monuments from London 1
G ood for our health here 1
Mix of old buildings and architecture 1
The Swanage Community Plan: Help shape the future of Swanage!
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Mother-in-law' s homemade fruitcake 1
A special place for us - brings together history, scenery, the Railway 1
Artists community 1
Off the beaten track - have to detour to get here 1
Town 1
Ideal for children's outdoor activity tutor 1
Opportunities to serve the community 1
Surrounding villages 1
Old buildings being replaced by smart new ones 1
Chance for young to help older people in community work 1
Can' t afford to live in Swanage 1
Old part of town interesting – artist 1
No through road to the south so speeding through traffic is limited 1
Acceptance that some - not all - young people must look outside Swanage for business / personal 1
development – properties 1
Continuity of place and people 1
I don' t 1
Community spirit/feel/atmosphere 21
Atmosphere 11
Summer atmosphere 5
Good feel to the town 1
Co-operation of the churches together 1
Not urban 1

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More police presence 14
Prevent/reduce vandalism 6
Control of anti social behaviour 5
No drinking in public/streets 2
Police time wasting 1
Police allowed to punish immediately 1
Noise late at night 1
Clamp down on illegal parking esp. on sea front 1
Emphasis on real villains not motorists 1
Reduce crime rate 1
Less building flats/ flat co nversions 21
Affordable housing 16
Restrictions on 2 nd homes 5
More employment opportunities 5
Improve appearance of housing 3
Housing priority for locals 3
Keep young people/ families in the town 2
Local, non-seasonal work 2
Stop building or converting homes and businesses into retirement homes 2
Affordable rents for new businesses - or concessions on rates 1
Economic regeneration 1
More choice in affordable workspaces with good facilities 1
Tightening up on businesses that operate from private homes - parking problems 1
Better housing for Swanage young people 1
Housing: lack of council or shared ownership 1
Loss of vitality to town -2 nd homes 1
Attitude of locals towards second homers 1
Thing to encourage the young to stay 1
Second home owners/visitors – tourist tax 1
Second home owners tax reductions 1
Means testing for 2 nd home owners 1
Housing policy/development 1
Housing: flats etc. hotels, accommodation 1
More/better facilities & activities for the youth 19
Better attitude towards children 2
Sell use of the library to youngsters 1
Topi c Numb er of

Questionnaire detailed Page 18 ....9.5 Tourism onwards

Analysis undertaken by Partnerships, Access and
Community Education Office of Bournemouth University
on behalf of the Swanage Town and Community Partnership
Ed Bickle PACE
Bournemouth University
6 th Floor Royal London House
Christchurch Road
Bournemouth BH1 3LT
Tel: 01202 962781
E Mail:
January 2005

With thanks to The Swanage Town and Community
Partnership who funded the consultation exercise
Our sincere thanks to all those residents of Swanage and
visitors who gave their time to participate in the research
and consultation exercise and to the volunteers who
helped to collect the data to make this report possible
Thank you also to Alan Leeson, Town Clerk Swanage
Town Council and Roger Seaman from Dorset
Community Action
The PACE 1 team
Ed Bickle
With advice and guidance from:
Christos Apostolakis
Nadeem Hai
Suzanne Hume
1 PACE: Partnerships, Access and Community Education. A support service of Bournemouth
1. Executive Summary 1
2. Background 2
3. Swanage Community Planning Project Questionnaire 3
4. Profile of Swanage 3
5. Methodology 5
6. Response to the Survey 7
7. Data Analysis – Question 1 8
8. Data Analysis – Question 2 10
8.1 Crime 11
8.2 Housing & The Economy 11
8.3 Environment 12
8.4 Local Facilities 12
8.5 Tourism 13
8.6 Health & Fitness 13
8.7 Transport 14
8.8 Youth Facilities 14
9. Data Analysis – Question 3 15
9.1 Crime 16
9.2 Housing & The Economy 16
9.3 Environment 16
9.4 Local Facilities 16
9.5 Tourism 17
9.6 Health & Fitness 18
9.7 Transport 18
10. Data Analysis - Question 4 18
10.1 Crime 19
10.2 Housing & The Economy 20
10.3 Environment 20
10.4 Local Facilities 21
10.5 Tourism & Entertainment 21
10.6 Health & Fitness 22
10.7 Transport 22
10.8 Purbeck Society meeting 23
11. Data Analysis – Cumulative Totals 23
12. The Wider Picture 24
12.1 Law & Order 24
12.2 Affordable Housing 25
12.3 Transport 26
12.4 Sports Centre 27
13. Key Issues for Discussion 29
14. Conclusion 29
15. Appendices 31
1. All Answers by Questions and Topics 31
2. Bournemouth University MBA Students Research 50
3. Purbeck Society Meeting 54

The Swanage Community Plan: Help shape the future of Swanage!
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Representatives of the Swanage Town and Community Partnership approached
Bournemouth University’s Partnerships, Access and Community Education (PACE)
office in September 2004 to discuss its involvement in the Swanage Community Plan
and to respond to regional community planning req uirements. Part of this plan was a
community q uestionnaire seeking the views of residents and visitors on their ideas
and opinions of Swanage with the aim of helping to improve the quality of life in
Swanage over the next 10 years. The questionnaire comprised of 4 open ended
questions asking people what they liked about Swanage as well as what improvements
were necessary. The partnership sought assistance from the PACE research team to
provide an independent research analysis, interpretation and evaluation report on data
collected from this questionnaire.
The questionnaires were distributed by the Swanage Town and Community
Partnership through a variety of outlets including the Household and Economic
Regeneration surveys. (The regeneration surv eys were part of a separate piece of
research but the community questionnaire was distributed with these surveys). Other
sources included the Over 60`s club, the Frie nds of Durlston, the Sea Rowing Club as
well as a copy of the questionnaire bei ng published in the Purbeck Gazette. 281
questionnaires were returned including a numb er via e-mail and letters. It is important
to note here that members of PACE were not involved in the q uestionnaire design or
distribution and only became involved once all questionnaires had been returned and
responses had been loaded onto a computerised spreadsheet using Excel.
An interim report was produced in December 2004 detailing the initial findings.
Major emerging themes for each question were displayed as well as sample quotations
of responses and numerical data on the amount of responses by topic area such as
tourism, transport and crime.

As an illustration, some of the major emerging themes for question 2 – ‘What would
you like to change or improve’, were, for example,
• Less litter/cleaner town
• Better public transport
• Sports centre/ improved leisure facilities
• Better/more facilities for the youth
• Pedestrianisation
• More available parking
• Affordable housing
This final report details the background to the study including demographic
information on Swanage and Purbeck and describes the evaluation process before
presenting the results of the returned questi onnaires in detail in sections 7-10. Each
section details schematically the responses, popular responses and quotations which
are typical of the responses received.
Section 12 contextualises some of the findings into a wider context. For example, it
looks at the desire for more affordable housing using comparisons with other sources
of relevant data.

The Swanage Community Plan: Help shape the future of Swanage!
Bournemouth University / PACE / Ed B ickle. January 200 5 2
What then are the key issues arising from this exercise? In one respect all responses
are equally valid as they are people’ s views on what makes Swanage a special place
to live. The responses also illustrate what people think needs to be done to help
improve the q uality of life in the town. Based purely on the greatest number of
comments on a particular subject then transport is the biggest issue.

Based on theamount of comments on a specific individual issue then the following are considered the most important issues to be dealt with;
A sports/leisure facility in Swanage
Better public transport facilities
Less litter
Should other factors such as the possible benefits or costs, the likely beneficiaries
(e.g. local people, tourists, car owners etc) or the value of benefits be considered? To
what extent should the proposals to improve the public transport infrastructure
compete for resources with improved sports facilities in Swanage? These are typical
issues which need consideration by the Town and Community Partnership in the
preparation of the Swanage Community Plan. We hope that their decisions will be
based upon the sound evidence presented in this report drawn from consultation with
the residents of Swanage.

The Swanage Town and Community Partnership has established the Swanage
Community Plan with the purpose of developing a plan of community led activities.
The plan asks everyone in Swanage and the surrounding areas to contribute ideas and
opinions, that will “ help to improve the quality of life in Swanage over the next 10
The aims of this plan are to:
Promote voluntary activity within our community
Attract funding and support from the government agencies and trust funds for
community projects
Promote and develop Swanage Town and Community Partnership
Influence the Purbeck Community Partnership and Purbeck District Council
strategy and planning
The data collected will be analysed to identify major themes and will be put forward
for discussion at public meetings in 2005. These meetings will decide upon major
issues to address, outline appropriate actions and form volunteer action groups to start
work with the Town Partnership to make the plan a reality.

The Swanage Community Plan: Help shape the future of Swanage!
Bournemouth University / PACE / Ed B ickle. January 200 5 3

Part of the Swanage Community Plan was a questionnaire designed to obtain the
views of residents and visitors on their ideas and opinions of Swanage. The
questionnaire was based on four questions:
i. What do you really like about living or visiting Swanage?
ii. What would you like to change or improve?
iii. What hopes do you have for Swanage in 5-10 years time?
iv. What one thing would improve your quality of life in Swanage?
Questions were open ended and allowed respondents to express their feelings and
opinions on any aspect of Swanage that they felt were important. Respondents were
not required to divulge any personal information such as age or address. A record was
kept of the source from which each questionnaire was returned.
Questionnaires were distributed by a group of volunteers who aimed to get a random,
yet representative, sample of views from the widest possible circulation. For example,
questionnaires were included in the Economic Regeneration Survey, a survey that was
sent to both households and businesses in the Swanage area. Other forms of responses
were collected through ‘on-street interviews’ in venues such as the Tourist
Information Centre and visits to more specific groups such as the Over 60`s Club.
Two other research projects, the Purbeck Society meeting and a report by two groups
of Bournemouth University MBA (Master of Business Administration) students, were
conducted at a similar time and have been incorporated into this report. It should be
noted that members of PACE played no part in the design and execution of these
reports and have merely incorporated the findings from pre-published reports. A
series of ‘post it fairs’ i were also held as part of the community plan. A separate report
was written for this research and both reports should complement each other to
establish common themes rather than be treated as two individual pieces of work.

The population of Swanage at the time of the 2001 Census was 10,124. For the
purposes of the Census, Swanage was split into 2 areas, Swanage South (5,955
residents) and Swanage North (4,169) . The following figures are based on 2001
Census data and includes information on Purbeck Unitary Authority, to which both
Swanage North and South fall into.
i People were invited to write their ideas on post-it notes and were prompted to place them on display
boards under one of ten categories. This set of display boards was taken to a wide variety of public places, group meetings and other events

Figure 1 – Resident Population by Gender
Chart does not transfer to this site
ONS 2001 Census
In both Swanage and Purbeck there is a greater percentage of female residents. (52%
of residents in Swanage South and Purbeck are female whilst 55% of Swanage North
residents are female).
Figure 2 – Resident Population by Age

Source: ONS 2001 Census
Whilst Swanage North has over 10% more residents aged over 75 than both Swanage
South and Purbeck there are considerably fewer 30-59 year olds and, to a lesser
extent, young people under 16 living in Swanage North.

Figure 3 – Resident Population by Economic Activity
As can be seen from figure 3 Swanage North has a higher percentage of retired
residents than Swanage South and Purbeck thus leading to a lower employment rate
(by over 10%).

Figure 4 – Resident Population by Qualifications
In terms of qualifications Swanage has a lower than national average for the
percentage of residents qualified to at least degree level. In terms of the number of
residents with no qualifications, however, Swanage has a better record than the
national average.

Once the questionnaires were returned the responses were entered into an Excel
spreadsheet. As many responses to questions contained multiple responses on
differing subject areas each individual response was assigned as a separate
‘comment’. On this basis there were 2556 lines of data or comments. As this was the
chosen method of analysis results were displayed by the number of comments rather
than by the number of people responding. It was at this point that members of the
PACE research team were approached (September 2004) for a professional,
independent analysis of the data collected. After studying the data that had already
been produced the PACE research team decided to follow a four stage plan for the
evaluation process;

i. Categorise each response into broad areas such as law & order,
transport and the environment by question.
ii. Establish sub categories within the categories such as transport –
parking, public transport and traffic.
iii. Initially carry out a top level analysis of responses by question i.e.
amount of comments concerning tourism, local facilities etc.
iv. Then take each category area and carry out a more detailed analysis of
comments and establish trends, key points etc. At this point
supplementary data was fed into the report.
During the analysis it will be established whether there is any bias in certain
responses. For example where there a number of responses on a particular subject
from groups who may have a vested interest in the subject?
In any research there are limitations and drawbacks to the data gathered. It was
established that the following factors were considered limitations in evaluating data
from the Swanage Community Plan questionnaire;
i. As PACE research staff did not design the questionnaire they could not
ensure that the research data received would be of sufficient depth to
produce a detailed report to contribute to the Swanage Community
ii. With no personal data recorded on the questionnaires, such as age and
gender, it is difficult to ascertain whether the responses represent a fair
sample of the population of Swanage and does not allow comparisons
to be made between differing groups within Swanage. It should be
noted here that ages were obtained for the participants of the Purbeck
Society meeting.
iii. Similarly, respondents were not asked where in Swanage they lived.
Therefore it was not possible to establish whether certain responses
could be linked by location. For example, if a lot of people commented
on the fact that there was a lack of sufficient parking were a majority
of these from people living in a certain area within Swanage?
iv. As all questions were open-ended, an alysis of the data was far more
complex and time consuming than if they had been closed questions as
these can be analysed by inputting data into a computer package. This
type of questionnaire design can also lead to a less sophisticated
v. The source of 16.8% of the questionnaires returned were recorded as
‘ miscellaneous’ and therefore could not be attributed to a particular
vi. There was no indication as to whether hard-to-reach groups such as
residents with additional learning needs have been represented. A
supplementary report on the responses to the questionnaire from 68
young people who are students at Swanage Middle School will be
available in February 2005.
It is important to note that the collection of data was undertaken primarily by
volunteers and these limitations should not detract from the richness and quality of the
data gathered on limited resources. The open-ended questions gave the respondent a
‘free reign’ allowing them to express their views and opinions on whatever they
deemed appropriate rather than forcing opinions on certain topics.

Altogether 321 questionnaires were return ed, including 40 from the Purbeck Society
meeting (some questionnaires were returned in the form of letters or e-mails) . Replies
were received from 22 different sources. As there is no record of the number of
questionnaires originally handed out a res ponse rate could not be established. The
numbers of replies from each source are detailed below;
Table 1 – Responses to the Questionnaire
Number of
% of returned
Household Economic
Regeneration Survey
96 29.9
Purbeck Society 40 12.5
Miscellaneous Economic
Regeneration Survey*
35 10.9
Business Economic
Regeneration Survey
24 7.5
Reply in Purbeck Gazette 21 6.5
Miscellaneous 19 5.9
Friends of Durlston 15 4.7
Over 60`s club 10 3.1
Alliance & Leicester 10 3.1
League of Friends 8 2.5
Transport evening 7 2.2
Tourist Information Centre 6 1.9
Sea Rowing Club 5 1.6
Co-op 5 1.6
E-Mail 4 1.2
Select and Save 3 0.9
Letter 3 0.9
Mothers & Toddlers 2 0.6
Swanage Youth Club 2 0.6

Number of
% of returned
Railway platform 2 0.6
Sailing Club 2 0.6
Corfe Castle Coffee Morning 1 0.3
Tuesday Market 1 0.3
TOTAL 3 2 1 100%
*It was not possible to establish whether these questionnai res had been returned from the Household or Business
Economic Regeneration Survey.
As can be seen from the table above nearly half (48% ) of the returned questionnaires
were received from the Economic Regeneration Survey. Whilst this does not detract
from the findings it does mean that the opinions of people responding through the
Regeneration Survey will be more represented than responses from, for example, the
Mothers and Toddlers group where only 2 questionnaires were returned. This is not to
say that responses from small groups were not treated as equally important.

What follows is a detailed analysis of the responses to the community questionnaire.
For each question there is a summary of the most popular comments and a breakdown
of responses by topic as well as sample quotations.

What’s the best thing ab ou t living in Sw anage?
There were 918 responses to this question covering a wide variety of areas. A great
deal of these responses centred upon the location and surroundings, with the scenery
and environment receiving 49.1% of all re sponses. The top 10 individual responses
are detailed in figure 5.
Table 2 – Responses to Question 1 by Topic
...sorry data does not transfer

Typical responses included;
Unspoilt charm of West Country seaside resort (Miscellaneous Regeneration Survey)
Beautiful place with atmospheres according to the season ( Housing Economic
Regeneration Survey)
It is a wonderful area to live in with wonderful scenery all around and a very friendly
place (Sailing Club)
Excellent opportunities to enjoy countryside (Select & Save)
Close to coast and countryside (Housing Economic Regeneration Survey)
Of the 451 comments on Scenery and the Environment there were 38 differing
responses. The most popular responses are detailed below.
Figure 6 - Major Responses in Scenery and the Environment

Nearly 1 in 5 responses centred on local facilities and services with the top 5
responses in this category being;
Health care (26 comments)
Clubs/activities (15)
The steam railway (13)
Small independent shops (10)
The pier (7)
In addition to the above comments, shopping facilities in Swanage came in for praise.
Comments included the good range of shops (6), access to shops (5), sufficient shops
(5) and shops in general (5).
There was much talk about the people of Swanage (68 comments) as well as the
feeling of safety (32) and the pace of life (20).
The friendly behaviour of many residents (Purbeck Gazette)
Small friendly town ( Housing Economic Regeneration Survey)
Safe area to bring up children ( Business Economic Regeneration Survey)
There was a whole range of other reasons why people like and value Swanage and
these are displayed in appendix 1.

What would you like to change or improve?
There were 699 comments on question 2 w ith transport (187 comments) being the
single most talked about topic, followed by the environment (152) and tourism (100).
Table 3 – Responses to Question 2 by Topic

The major themes for discussion emerging from this question were as follows;
Less litter/cleaner town (36 comments)
Better public transport (25)
Sports centre/ improved le isure facilities (22)
Better/more facilities for the youth (19)
Pedestrianisation (17)
More available parking (16)
Affordable housing (16)
More police presence (14)
Better public toilets (14)
More quality shops (13)
The problems with litter, the need for an improved public transport network, facilities,
especially for the young, and better public toilets were also included as main findings
in the MBA students research.

Fewer than 5% (33 comments) of responses to question 2 relate to crime. Those that
do focus on two key areas; more police pres ence and control of antisocial behaviour
including vandalism and under age drinking.
More police on foot talking to people ( Housing Economic Regeneration Survey)
Anti-social young people who can disrupt business ( Business Economic Regeneration
More police patrols at night to rid town of foul mouthed youths ( Housing Economic
Regeneration Survey)
With over 40% of comments on crime being about more police presence there is a
feeling that it is not crime levels that worry Swanage residents but more the fear of
crime. The quotation below taken from the Purbeck section of the Dorset Police force
backs up this theory.
‘Crime levels are low but public demand and expectation is high. Community policing
remains one of our top priorities and reassurance to the public is a prime focus’.
Similarly, the concern by residents about anti social behaviour, especially by young
people in Swanage is recognised by the local police force.
‘There is close monitoring of antisocial behaviour incidents, which has lead to a
small number of Anti-Social Behaviour Orders being issued to curtail such ongoing

Comments on housing and the economy focus on 2 areas; the desire to see the
reduction in the number of flat conversions (21) and the need for affordable housing

The Swanage Community Plan: Help shape the future of Swanage!
Bournemouth University / PACE / Ed B ickle. January 200 5 12
Stop knocking buildings down for flats (Housing Economic Regeneration Survey)
No more conversion of hotels into flats (Over 60's Club)
Cheaper housing to promote a more mixed community (Friends of Durlston)
Other responses include restrictions on second homes (5), more employment
opportunities (5), improvements in the a ppearance of properties (3) and housing
priority for locals (3). A more detailed discussion surrounding housing is included in

Within the environment the most common response centred on the desire for a cleaner
Swanage with less litter (36). Other popular responses included improving public
toilets (14), renovating/tidying up the Pier Head site (12), less dog fouling (10) and
banning/regulating jet skis (7).
More rubbish bins for litter in summer along seafront and popular areas
Street and dog rubbish collection improved (Tourist Information Centre)
Empty rubbish bins on seafront and square more frequently in summer ( Housing
Economic Regeneration Survey)

Comments on local facilities focus on the shops in Swanage including respondents
wanting to see more ‘quality shops’ (13), more/better supermarkets (12), improved
shopping facilities (4), a change in the op ening times of shops and cafes (3) and
everyday shops, not just seasonal shops (2).
Improve shop quality - move upmarket ( Business Economic Regeneration Survey)
Encourage wider variety of shops and business into town (Housing Economic
Regeneration Survey)
G ood supermarket: not a blot on the landscape ( Housing Economic Regeneration
There a number of individual comments relating to this question. A full list is
available in appendix 1 but a selection of areas that could be considered include:
Better availability of adult education ( Housing Economic Regeneration Survey)
More or better use of local parks ( Transport Evening)
Library facilities - more hours - more books - wider range (H ousing Economic
Regeneration Survey)
Community Centre for all with long opening hours ( Housing Economic Regeneration

Within tourism there were a variety of issues highlighted by respondents. The most
popular responses are detailed below;
Figure 7 – Main Responses Under Tourism

Stop the demolition of
hotels/more hotels
Better quality café and
Make Swanage more
Get rid of amusement
down Mowlem
Improve tourist industry
A Marina
Rebuild beach/beach
Stop demolishing hotels ( Transport Evening)
Less development of hotels into flats (Sea Rowing Club)
Develop open-air environment: cafes etc (Housing Economic Regeneration Survey)
Move away from tacky seaside resort image (Tourist Information Centre)
There was a whole range of individual responses suggesting improvements to tourist
facilities and activities including;
Facilities for those who use the seas other than for bathing ( Transport Evening)
Mowlem Theatre could be a cultural Arts Centre and a credit to the local community,
tourists and its trustees. An imaginative redevelopment is required as soon as
possible for this prime site ( Tuesday Market)
Wide range of music concerts ( Purbeck Gazette)
Raise status of bandstand - lucky to have one ( Miscellaneous)

There were 27 comments relating to health and fitness of which 22 stated the need for
a sports centre or improved leisure facilities.
Sports centre with full sized swimming pool ( Transport Evening)
Leisure Centre - variety of facilities serving all community (Housing Economic
Regeneration Survey)
Build a Sports Centre ( Alliance and Leicester)

The Swanage Community Plan: Help shape the future of Swanage!
Bournemouth University / PACE / Ed B ickle. January 200 5 14
A more detailed discussion on the need for improved sports facilities is available in
section 12.4.

Transport is seen as the most important area of discussion in Question 2 with 26.8%
(187) of all comments. Opinions are pr edominantly focused on public transport,
pedestrianisation, parking and road management/traffic control. Some key areas for
discussion are detailed below:
The need for better public transport facilities (25)
Pedestrianisation (17)
More available parking (16)
Problems with/ the need to change the one-way system (15)
Problems with traffic and traffic control (13)
More parking for/ free pa rking for residents (11)
An improved/ cheaper bus service (9)
Cheaper/free parking (9)
More buses and a train service ( Housing Economic Regeneration Survey)
Parking arrangements are appalling (Purbeck Gazette)
Pedestrianise town centre and Shore Road ( Tourist Information Centre)
One-way system changed ( League of Friends)
Clearly the responses indicate that public transport is an important issue for the
respondents. The rural nature of Dorset and, indeed, many parts of the South West in
general poses particular problems in public transport provision. In the South West, for
example, 79% of households live within a 13 minute walk of a bus stop compared to
the overall average for England of 89% ii . A more detailed discussion on public
transport is included with section 12.3.

65.5% of comments about youth facilities centred on the need for more and improved
facilities and activities for the younger members of the community.
Children’s play area: need more bigger and better (Purbeck G azette)
Provision of more facilities and places for young people (Business Economic
Regeneration Survey)
The remaining responses focused very much on the same issues, for example;
ii Regional Transport Statistics November 2004. Sample sizes South West 1,500 Households, England
13,355 households.

The Swanage Community Plan: Help shape the future of Swanage!
Bournemouth University / PACE / Ed B ickle. January 200 5 15
Things to be more child friendly (Methodist Church Mums and Toddlers)
Beach showers for children (Tourist Information Centre)

What hopes do you have for Swanage in 5-10 years time?
There were over 600 comments on this question with 45% of the comments
concerning tourism or housing & the economy.
Table 4 – Responses to Question 3 by Topic
Main discussion points include;
That there is no or little change in Swanage (56)
Improved/more sports & leisure facilities (24)
More affordable housing especially for the young (23)
Rail link to Wareham (22)
Swanage remains a tourist town and an increased role for tourism (17)
Better public transport (14)
More jobs/ better employment prospects (14)
More balanced community in terms of age (13)
Less building of flats (12)
Emerging themes from Purbeck Society meeting:
• Retain Swanage as a seaside town whilst maintaining its natural environment
• Greater integrated public transport
• No major developments but development of services such as greater facilities
for young people, development of light industry, improvements in the
Mowlem and introduce more community facilities
• Encourage young people to stay in the town with affordable housing and better
work possibilities

There is very little comment on law and order in question 3 with only 19 comments
(3.1%) of all responses. As with question 2 a greater police presence and the control
of anti social behaviour are seen as the key crime issues.
Curb unruly behaviour of yobs ( Miscellaneous Regeneration Survey)
Less vandalism and criminal damage (Housing Economic Regeneration Survey)

Affordable housing is again one of the key issues arising in this category with 23
Affordable housing for young people (Tourist Information Centre)
More subsidised affordable housing for local families (Purbeck Gazette)
Other popular responses include more jobs/ b etter job prospects (14), less building of
flats (12), fewer second homes (10) and to become more upmarket (6).
Better job prospects (Housing Economic Regeneration Survey)
A cessation of hotel to flat conversions (Co-Operative Stores)
Less second homes and retirement homes (Business Economic Regeneration Survey)

As in question 2 comments on the environment focus on the wish to see a cleaner
Swanage with less litter (9). It is worth noting that only 6.6% of all responses to
question 3 concerned the environment compared to 21.7% for question 2.
Better refuse collection in town centre (Miscellaneous)
Improved rubbish/ litter coll ection from public places ( Miscellaneous Regeneration
Other responses included a reduction in the amount of building work (4), better toilets
(3), less dog waste (2) and preservation of open spaces (2).

Major responses to this topic tend to relate to the shops within Swanage as well as
facilities in general. The top five responses were as follows:
• Improved supermarkets (9)
• More/ improved facilities (9)
• Better shops (6)

The Swanage Community Plan: Help shape the future of Swanage!
Bournemouth University / PACE / Ed B ickle. January 200 5 17
• Community centre/ hall (5)
• More/ better adult education facilities (4)
Larger supermarket with wider choice (Miscellaneous Regeneration Survey)
Local facilities are improved (Sea Rowing Club)
Not all shops should be tacky: some should be better quality (Housing Economic
Regeneration Survey)
There is also some mention about healthcare facilities in the town (9) including;
That it treasures and protects its Community Hospital (Friends of Durlston)
Continuation/ improvement of day care facilities (Miscellaneous)

from Page 18 (9.5 TOURISM continued as separate Post .....